Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Tue 17th Sep

left patellar tendon is sore / inflamed - not sure from what, maybe the extra BJJ? The rowing? Increased intensity / volume in squats or the barbell split squats? I don't think I would blame the squats - maybe split squats or bjj?

I'm doing yoga a in the morning consistently 20-30mins.

Mon 16th 

10pm (!) Row 30r20
7707m - HR was up but felt like I had a bit more in the tank

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Sun 15th 

Paul Schreiner seminar (gi), just some guard retention stuff, I didn't roll at the end.

Sat 14th 


A. Squats 5 x 8 (socks only and onto box) 90kg, felt good
B. DB Row 4 x 5/5. 32.5kg dbs - left finger is v sore, hard to hold onto db
C. Kneeling Tap Bar Press 4 x 8 30kg
D. DB Curls 3 x 12 12.5kg

tried DB RDLs but had to give up due to left hand / grip hurting

Fri 13th 

AM - Paul Schreiner Seminar

I met Christian and went. I wasn't going to go. Did good front headlock stuff and I did 2 rolls at the end. I got to inside senkaku against Christian and my left leg let me know it was there. I rolled with Fox and he got me in a single leg x with a scoop grip on my left knee and I had to go with it - forced internal rotation, I got out of jail! I was a little tender afterwards but all ok!


A. Barbell Split Squat with chains 4 x 8 worked up to 70kg w chains

Thu 12th

Row 10 x 250m; 2min rest
high DF , felt good here