Friday, 29 November 2019

Fri 29th Nov

PM - ArmFarm

Bench - 90 x 1 , 100 x 1 , 105 x 1 , 110 f 
100kg 2 x 2 , 90kg 3 x 2

Arms felt tired here - still feel like its more arms than chest. Fro the 110 I just felt tired getting under the bar, no conviction really!! 105 felt heavy but doable. 

Noon  Row


2000m / 300m / 300m / 2000m / 300m / 300m / 2000m (3mins rest between each) 

Thu 28th 

1 hour row - tried to keep it to 140bpm or less

2:18.7 avg. - 12,971m

travelled slightly further (90ish m) than previous 1 hour two weeks ago...

Wed 27th 

Pm - Squatted with Kev, used a prog from Hybrid Athlete...

A. Squat - build to heavy 2 140kg (felt strong)
B. Squat 75% of A , 8 x 2 reps 105kg
C. DB Bulgarian Split Squat 2 x 8/8 20kg dbs 
D. Jumping Split Lunge (holding 10kg Plate) 2 x 30sec

Noon - Row

10 x 1:30 / 1min rest

Tue 26th

Mon 25th 


8 x 300m; 3min rest
(1:29.5 avg - all under 1:30)

The last couple of rounds FUCKED me up - real leg burner. I was going to stop at 7 rounds but somehow hoped back on for 8, like auto pilot. Really went into a dark place in this, relationship bad lactic acid build up afterwards and thought I was going to vomit.
This actually rattled me for a few days - woke up later in the night with reflux (ate eggs late) and stomach wasn't right for a few days after

Friday, 22 November 2019

Fri 22nd 

1min row - 1k TT split and rate

I went twice because the first one was totally undisciplined!! I did a sprint start and had my split unrealistically low and rate high for the 1k...

The aim was 1:31 and r 34ish...

Second time around I didn't do a sprint start and I felt much 'calmer' for it.

Looking at my old 1k it was -> 1:33.5 r34 avg


Thu 21st

Evening - I was exhausted. Just flaked out on the couch, arms / elbows were aching real bad (like a flu ache)

Morning - some nogi with Hugo - felt good, he's good to roll with, lets me get positions and is aware of the knee...

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Wed 20th

Lunch - Row

10 x 1:30 / 1min rest

* knee is a little thingy the past few days - it just feels a little 'unstable' in moving / twisting positions. I haven't been stretching as much lately and sleep hasn't been as good as last week...

Tue 19th

PM -
A. Bench 10 x 65kg, 8 x 77.5kg , 6 x 87.5kg, 4 x 92.5kg , 10 x 70kg
B1. Lat Raise 3 x 12 8kg (x15), 10kg, 10kg
B2. Chest Supported DB Row 2 x 20 15kg dbs

noon -
30min Skierg

then 3 x 10 GHR
some Copenhagen planks and some lateral bounding

Mon 18th 


Squat 102.5 x 2, 120 x 2, 135 x 2, 140 x 2

noon - Row

10 x 250m; 2:30 rest
1:31.5 r 35 avg

Sun 17th 

BJJ - Monkstown

I did some Gi with Ciaran - knee felt fine until we did a spider guard tech and he posted on my left foot (as my leg was straight) and I felt a weakness / twinge on my medial ligament.

Sunday, 17 November 2019

Sat 16th 

PM - Row with the gang

2500m / 1:30 / 1:30 / 2500m
2:00 r 20 / 1k pace / 1k pace / 2:00 r 20

Felt like I couldn't drop the split on the 1k pace - 1:32 was the lowest! I probably need to drop the r20 split a little too - need more legs!!

Noon - Arm Farm

A1. DB Row 4 x 5/5 35kg db
A2. Barbell Rows 5 , 8 , 10, 10 30,40,40,40kg
B. Weighted Chins 4 x 3 25,20,20,20kg
C1. DB Pullovers 3 x 5 , 8 , 10 35kg
C2. Prone Flys 4 x 15 6kg
C3. Concentration Curls 4 x 10/10 10,12.5,12.5,12.5kg
C4. Band Pushdowns 4 x 25

* Knee is a little 'clicky' - I don't know if it is the cold. I am back wearing the vivos. Diet has been slightly off but not as bad as previously 

Friday, 15 November 2019

Fri 15th


A1. Bench 6 x 65% , 3 x 75% , 2 x 82.5% , 2 x 90%, 2 x 90%, 17 x 70kg
70, 82.5, 90, 100, 100kg
A2. DB Curls 5 x 5/5 15,15,15,20,20kg dbs
B. Squat 5 x 60% , 5 x 70% , 5 x 70% 105, 120, 120kg
C1. DB Seated Press 3 x 12 15,17.5,17.5
C2. DB Lat Raise 3 x 12 8kg
C3. Front Raise 3 x 12 15kg

Injury update....

Left knee is a little cranky the past few days....

Weather has gotten colder
I did an hour on the erg (row) - I don't know if the volume there is a factor
A few hard skierg sprint attempts - could that be a factor 

Sleep has been good (using the Garmin app to track that)
Trying to eat a bit more food 

ALSO.... I went back to wearing my Nike runners for a bit -maybe this is a factor??? I have gone back to my Vivos today....

I actually did some single leg squats from a box (sets of 5) - partial pistols and I felt as though this helped 'calibrate' the knee a bit.

I am not sure where I am with BJJ. I did some light flow rolling with Hugo yesterday. I just feel as if there its no 'spring' or athleticism on my left knee when needed. It just feels 'off'. I still have that sensation like if I stubbed a foot on a table chair or something as I walked by, my knee would buckle. No bueno.

Thu 14th 

Noon - quick Skierg With Kev
4 x 1250m / 3min rest
Aim was to keep at a 2min split and r48...

AM - Rolls with Hugo.

It was good to get some flow rolling in (and a reminder how to flow!), some light positions, zero subs or force.

The knee still feels a little off (unstable? I amn't even sure anymore). I don't feel any closer to making full return to training - all a bit disheartened and frustrating.

Wed 13th 

PM - ArmFarm

A1. Weighted Chins 4 x 3 -> 30,32.5, 35, 35kg
A2. DB RDL 4 x 5 35kg dbs
B. Barbell Row x 5,5,8,8,10 -> 80,80,70,60,60
C1. Barbell Curls 3 x 10 30kg
C2. DB Pullovers 3 x 10 35kg

Noon - Row
12 x 1:30; 1min rest

Tue 12th 

Noon - Recovery Row

1 hour - 12,904m (keeping HR between 135-140)

Mon 11th

PM - Arm Farm

A. Bench 9 x 60% , 7 x 70% , 5 x 80%, 3 x 85%, 12 x 60%
65kg , 77.5kg , 87.5kg , 92.5kg
B1. Lat Raise 3 x11
B2. Front Raise 3 x 11
B3. Rear Delts 3 x 11
C. Front Squat 3 x 5 @50% back squat 1rm

Noon - Row 12 x 200m; 2min rest

Friday, 8 November 2019

Sun 10th

Skierg World Sprints attempt! 

Went hard at the start for this one... 


It was tough but I felt as though it was my fitness that was the limiting factor not mental - although the voices were strong half way, I could power through 

Sat 9th

Skierg World Sprints attempt! 


Tried to pace this one... 

Fri 8th Nov

PM ArmFarm

A1. Bench 5 x 60% , 3 x 70% , 2 x 80%, 1 x 90% , 1 x 90|% , 1 x 90%
A2. Barbell Curls 5 x 10 30kg
B. Squat 3 x 60,70,80%
102.5 , 120, 137.5kg
C1. DB Arnold Press x 10,12,15
C2. Shrugs 3 x 10,12,15
C3. Lat Raise x 10,12,15

noon -
500m / 4min rest / 350m / 4min rest / 500m
@ 1K pace approx (a bit off here!)

1:40.1 / 1:39.2 / 1:40.2

Thu 7th 

Skierg World Sprints

just jumped in - couldn't keep the heat on , mid way through fell off -stroke rate dropped too low. I haven't been doing much on the skierg but I'll do this again Saturday or Sunday


Wed 6th 

A. Weighted Chins 4 x 3 - 27.5, 30,35,35kg
B. 1 arm row x 5,5,8,8 35kg
C1. Barbell Row 3 x 10 50kg
C2. RDL 3 x 10 50kg
no rest between C1 and C2
D1. Pullaparts 3 x 20
D2. Bench Dips 3 x 15
D3. Barbell Curls 3 x 10 30kg

Mon 5th 

A1. Bench 8 x 60% 67.5kg / 6 x 70% 75kg / 4 x 80% 85kg / 2 x 85% 90kg / 15 x 60% 60kg
A2. DB Fat grip Alt Curls 5 x 5 15kg dbs
B1. Rear Delts 3 x 15 6kgs
B2. DB Skull crushers 3 x 12 15kg dbs
B3. Barbell Curls 3 x 5 35kg
C. Squat 3 x 5 60/65/70% -> 102.5 / 115 / 125kg

Monday, 4 November 2019

Mon 4th Nov 

Noon - Skierg with Kev

5 x 250m; 1min rest

* the aim was my 1k pace but I couldn't hold that... (1:39.3 avg)

I did some static lateral lunges and Copenhagen planks for some knee rehab. I can feel the spot but it is more like a dull ache / pins and needles, no sharp pain.

Sun 3rd 

Rest, went for a 2 hour walk on the beach (knee was fine here)

Sat 2nd 

PM - Rolled with Mossy

* bit of a hurt in the knee ! I was in sit up / lazy butterfly guard and he went to jump to my left, I put out my leg to stop him and I felt the knee. No pop or snap sensation, just a burning / ache / pins and needles feeling right on the mcl spot. I rolled on and my range is ok - it just feels like it could be a bit unstable...

Noon - resistance work SDSC

A1. Bench 5 x 8 67.5kg
A2. Band Facepulls 5 x 12
B. DB Pullover 4 x 10 27.5kg
C. Incline DB Row 4 x 10 17.5kg dbs 

Fri 1st

2k Row - 6'57.9 (PR)

* The aim was to get a double BW squat and 2k row pr in the same week - mission accomplished! 

Thu 31st

Bench Test - got 105 , failed on 107.5...

Did some BJJ with Ciaran as well, felt good...

Wed 30th 

A. Squat 5 x 5 85kg

Tue 29th 

SQUAT PR - I got 165 then went again and got 175kg