Friday, 24 June 2016

Thu 23rd

Yoga + BJJ Nogi East Coast

Enjoying the nogi at the moment. Tried to be a bit more aggressive in rolls today and take chances, got caught but enjoyed it more...

Legs felt heavy afterwards, may just take it easy now before Saturday...

Everything feels achey at the moment to be honest, sleep / diet could be better!

Wed 22nd


Tue 21st 

Nogi - ECJJA

First Nogi session in a year, really enjoyed it. Looking forward to improving at this over the coming months.

Mon 20th 

Am - Yoga

Pm - did a 5kg row (19.56) in SDSC and messed around with some hand stand / bridge practice

Sun 19th 

Open Mat East Coast - only a few light rolls...

Sat 18th 

I think (!) I did a legs session here - need to get the finger out and track this stuff better

Fri 17th 


Thursday, 16 June 2016

Thu 16th

Am - Yoga in East Coast

then BJJ - did drills and then 5 (I think!) 6min rounds, felt a bit sharper today, not as sore or as flat as Tuesday.

PM - SDSC, numbers were low so I jumped in on a beach muscle session...

A1. Barbell Press 3 x 10 40kg
A2. Barbell Curls 32.5kg
B1. Prone Flys 3 x 10 6kg
B2. Cable Pushdowns 3 x 15 24kg
C1. DB Lat Raise 3 x 10 8kg
C2. Hammer Curls 3 x 10 12.5kg
*I was running short on time so did a couple more sets of pushdowns. Elbow were a bit sore but nothing too bad. 

Wed 15th

AM - Init Yoga

PM - did a 30min z1 piece of 1000m row / 2 TGU each side / 1min FLR on rings

Tue 14th

Am - BJJ East Coast

tough session 8 x 6min rounds I think. Felt pretty beaten up afterwards - *looking back it was probably the late night on Sunday that contributed to this!!

Mon 13th 

AM - Init yoga

Sat 11th


Didn't go great in my weight class, not an ideal strategy and I got rushed. Once I was passed my head caved in and I essentially gave up. Really disappointed in myself over this - I thought I got over these demons but I guess demons never go away, you only learn to manage them...

I was going to leave after that but thankfully did the absolute. Got a straight footlock in the semi final and then a DQ for a knee reap in the final (was up on points). In hindsight it was a good exercise to do this before the British Nationals. I would have liked to have not given up mentally in my weight class but I guess it is a good reminder to me that I am not out of the woods. Kaizen etc...

Fri 10th

Rest day, flying to Bristol and driving to Bournemouth.

That evening I was stretching in the hotel, did a lizard pose (left leg forward) and got a shooting pain in my medial meniscus. This threw me a lot, I had hot baths etc to ease out but I was genuinely worried I wouldn't be ok to compete...

Thu 9th

AM - Yoga in east coast and then BJJ

I was planning on rowing but feel like I am over reaching a bit so no more rowing for the challenge.

Wed 8th 

AM - Init yoga

PM - SDSC Row 5k - PR 18'52.3 *really happy with this, it was a battle in the heat but nice to get ahead of the Bournemouth Open

Tue 7th 

AM - BJJ East Coast

Mon 6th 

AM - Init yoga

Sun 5th 

Open Mat - East Coast

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Sat 4th 

Am - Leg work

A. Split Squats 4  10/8; 50kg + chains
B1. GHR 3 x 10
B2. Skater Squats x 12kg KB 3 x 5/5

then a few hours later

5k Row - 21'33.4

Fri 3rd 

PM - SDSC Bro Session
A. Mech Advantage DB Press 2 x 7.7.7 25kg dbs (died a death on second round)
B. Timed Barbell Row 3 x 20sec; 90sec rest 50kg 18,19,19reps
C. Band Facepull  y-press 3 x 8; 90sec rest
D. Banded KB Shrugs 3 x 8 w3sec pause at top; 90sec rest 24kg kbs
E. Barbell Curls  50,30,20reps

then at 11pm - 5222m Row - HIT THE 1 MILLION METERS!! :)

Thu 2nd 

AM - East Coast, went through some 50/50 drills and footlocks and then did a good few rounds rolling. Knee feels stronger, no issues while rolling.

PM - Row SDSC 30mins / 7167m

Wed 1st 

AM - INIT Yoga

PM - Row SDSC 30mins / 7138m

Tue 31st 

Am - East Coast * I'm tracking this a few days later, can't really remember how it went down but did plenty of rounds, knee felt ok, cardio is building. 

PM - Row SDSC 30mins / 6727m

Mon 30th

AM - Init Yoga

PM - SDSC Row 25mins / 5586m