Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Tue 11th 

Eastcoast - nogi

Mon 10th 

A. RDL 3 x 6 80,100,100kg

B. Assaultbike 2 x 7mins; rest 7mins

C. Ab rollouts 3 x 10

Monday, 10 July 2017

Sun 9th


Sat 8th

Eastcoast - gi , open mat

Fri 7th

Am - did some drills and a small bit with Mossy and Austin in SDSC


A1. Chins 5 x 5
A2. DB Shoulder Press 5 x 10 15kg dbs
A3. Underhand pullaparts 3 x 15

B. - arms

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Thu 6th 


A1. Split Squats 4 x 6/6 20kg dbs
A2. Press 4 x 10 30,35,35,35kg (elbows didn't feel as cranky today with this)
B1. DB Row 3 x 12/12 25kg (started to feel cranky on the right side on the last set)
B2. Pushdowns 3 x 20 purple band
C. Bike 15 mins sustainable pace - 55rpm avg

AM - no bjj, feeling flat

Wed 5th 

SDSC - One hour of drills (gi) with Mossy

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Tue 4th 

Noon - ECJJA nogi


Assault bike - 15mins , working on 'sustain' model, 15mins at 60min pace - was aiming for 55rpm, was sure I had it but monitor said 54 avg.

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Mon 3rd 

SDSC - just did a small bit, still feeling tired

A1. RDL 4 x 8 90kg
A2. DB Bench 4 x 12 25kg dbs

Sat 1st 

BJJ - East Coast Open Mat

Fri 30th 

Trained BJJ in SDSC with Austin and Mossy. Good session, some drills and then rotating 6 min rounds (3min mini blocks and one person stays on for 6mins off for 3)

Arm session with Neil