Arm session in SDSC with Jason
Sat 23rd
no training - exhausted all weekend and the rib doesn't feel great
Fri 22nd
Noon - some drills with Mossy in the gi (45mins)
PM - Assaultbike 3 x 5mins/ 5mins rest
1st 60rpm / 66 cals
2nd 60/64
3rd 60/64
Thu 21st
Nogi - ECJJA 4 x 10min rounds , tough work !
Still not feeling sharp yet, fitness isn't great, ten min rounds are a baptism of fire - rib is so and so
Wed 20th
SDSC - drills with mossy 1 hour
Tue 19th
ECJJA - Nogi 3 x 10min rounds , first session back sparring in about a month, rib felt ok
Mon 18th
A. RDL @3011, 4 x 6 80,90,90,90
B1. Band Overhead Extensions 4 x 20
B2. EZcurl bar close grip bench 4 x 20 20+bar, 25,25,25
C1. DB Tricep Floor Press 3 x 10 17.5kgs
C2. Band pullaparts 3 x 20