Monday, 25 September 2017

Sun 24th 

Arm session in SDSC with Jason

Sat 23rd 

no training - exhausted all weekend and the rib doesn't feel great

Fri 22nd 

Noon - some drills with Mossy in the gi (45mins)

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PM - Assaultbike 3 x 5mins/ 5mins rest
1st 60rpm / 66 cals
2nd 60/64
3rd 60/64

Thu 21st 

Nogi - ECJJA 4 x 10min rounds , tough work !

Still not feeling sharp yet, fitness isn't great, ten min rounds are a baptism of fire - rib is so and so

Wed 20th

SDSC - drills with mossy 1 hour

Tue 19th 

ECJJA - Nogi 3 x 10min rounds , first session back sparring in about a month, rib felt ok

Mon 18th 

A. RDL @3011, 4 x 6 80,90,90,90
B1. Band Overhead Extensions 4 x 20
B2. EZcurl bar close grip bench 4 x 20 20+bar, 25,25,25
C1. DB Tricep Floor Press 3 x 10 17.5kgs 
C2. Band pullaparts 3 x 20

Friday, 15 September 2017

Fri 14th

2pm - 1 hr light drills with mossy (worked on reverse half guard stuff)

7pm - some weights , quick superset
A1. Barbell Plit Squat 4 x 10(l) / 8 (r) 50,55,55,55
A2. Barbell fatgripz curls 4 x 12

Thu 13th 

midday - went to Alex for the rib also got him to look at my right shoulder - infraspinatus is tight, need to roll on it more

Assaultbike 2 x 7mins; 7mins rest (aerobic)

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Wed 12th

quick session in SDSC

A1. DB Standing Press 3 x 10 17.5kg dbs
A2. Barbell Curls 3 x 10 30kg
B1. DB Lat Raise 3 x 10 6kg
B2. Band Pushdowns 3 x 30
C1. DB Row 3 x 10/10 15kg (left side a little sore on eccentric but improving)
C2. DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10 10kgs

Tue 11th

Did some training in ECJJA (gi) - positional sparring, didn't do training as my rib started acting up a bit

Mon 10th 


Did a 20min emom
1st min - 10cals skierg
2nd min - 5 deadlifts (70 - 90kg)
15mins bike aerobic

* Rib felt OK

Fri 7th

Bike 15mins - at 60min pace...

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Thu 7th

A1. SeateD DB Tricep Overhead Extension 4 x 20 17.5kg db
A2. Ez Curl Bar close grip bench 4 x 20 20kg + bar
B1. DB Tricep Floor Press 4 x 10 (fucked up first set and did 20!) 17.5kg dbs
B2. Pullaparts 4 x 20

then tried some light db rows - 15kg x 10 on bad side (left) rib hurt a little on the eccentric, so I stopped

Wed 6th

Baseline 'test' for the 10 min assaultbike sustain prog

10mins -> 143 cals
AVG RPM 62 / AVG Watts 327

*got to 88 cals at 6mins (almost the 15 per min pace) then started to drop off - I felt as though I could hold 61RPM even if I felt really tired. For a PR I will need to push a bit more at the start and kick again at the end - especially the last minute. 

Sunday, 3 September 2017

Still recovering from the rib injury - getting there, sneezing doesn't hurt as much. Hopefully in another 7 days I can do some drills

Sat 2nd 

A. Band Walks 4 x 10/10
B. Dynamic step ups 3 x 3/3
C. Barbell Split Squats 5/4 x 10/8 50kg (trying to do some extra work on the left side)
D1. GHR 3 x 10
D2. Medball standing figure-8's
E1. Incline Hammer Curls 3 x 12 12.5kg
E2. DB Tricep overhead extensions 3 x 20 17.5kg db 

* I was maybe using too much glutes on the split squat on the left side - for the last set I put more weight on the ball of my foot and got more quads involved.

Fri 1st 

Cant quite remember - some beach muscles - did some ring rows and felt OK - db rows hurt (prone and pulling hurts - maybe alters breathing...)

Thu 31st

Went to Alex

In SDSC I did a couple of peak rpm tests on the bike, rib actually felt ok - could still hit 112rpm