Tue 24th
gi - ECJJA , tough rounds all brown belts, tired after but good session
Mon 23rd
Greg Hammond and Alex Dunne called in from Concept2 and we did a workout, really great experience having them in the place
Had a go of the bikeerg , I cant remember the damper setting (I think midway) and it was 1 min for distance - 683m , tough!
Then Jason, Alex, Greg and myself did 10 rounds of :
250m ski
slam ball bear hug carry, 1 goes one rests (first round was 163, dropped off and then at the end got 160m)
Sat 21st
ECJJA - Open mat, gi
Fri 20th
Did a little bit of drills with Mossy in SDSC
Thu 19th
ECJJA - nogi
Tue 18th
ECJJA - gi
Got 4 stripes on the brown belt today, shocked after the competition the past weekend!