Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Haven't been updating this much (standard!). I competed in the London Open (gi only) and lost my first match, got arm barred and the right elbow flared up a bit again. Sleep has been shocking , food was good for a bit but fell off the wayside a bit around the competition (or just afterwards), need to keep the calories up with the amount of training going on at the moment.

Tue 24th 

gi - ECJJA , tough rounds  all brown belts, tired after but good session

Mon 23rd 

Greg Hammond and Alex Dunne called in from Concept2 and we did a workout, really great experience having them in the place

Had a go of the bikeerg , I cant remember the damper setting (I think midway) and it was 1 min for distance - 683m , tough!

Then Jason, Alex, Greg and myself did 10 rounds of :

250m ski
slam ball bear hug carry, 1 goes one rests (first round was 163, dropped off and then at the end got 160m)

Sat 21st 

ECJJA - Open mat, gi

Fri 20th

Did a little bit of drills with Mossy in SDSC

Thu 19th 

ECJJA - nogi

Tue 18th 

ECJJA - gi

Got 4 stripes on the brown belt today, shocked after the competition the past weekend! 

Few stripes on the belt today. . I really did not see this coming - especially after last Saturday, I thought I might have been getting demoted 😂
. For me it has never been about promotions, just trying to improve everytime I get on the mats. . To say it was difficult changing teams at a ‘higher rank' would be an understatement. When I moved a couple of years ago I had a lot of other things going on in my life and there were many days I got as far as Monkstown and turned away and went home. When I did decide to go it was usually a baptism of fire and I got battered. I’m not sure what made me keep doing back. . Luckily I pushed through and I am reaping the benefits now. I absolutely love the feeling of being challenged constantly and having such a high level around me each time I step on the mats. I still get battered a lot of the time but I know those sessions are making me better. . As I said in a previous post, I may not have the medals to show for it but if I can demonstrate anything, just keep going! A lot of improving still to do but that is the challenge and fun of it for me. . Huge thank you to @darraghoconaill for letting me come on board, especially at a time when I needed it and treating me like one of the team and to all of my training partners @ecjja for making me feel every bit the age I am 😂 . Cant wait for the next training session!

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