Wednesday, 16 May 2012

AAAGHHHH Back pain, I missed you!

Tue 15th

Went for a sprint session with Steph.

 Did a set of 4 reps of 15 seconds all out 3:40 recovery, second set did 3 reps.

After that I got teh gym rings out and messed around with muscle up progressions and a few sets of dips. I also did 3 x 10 of strict knees to elbows on the straight bar.

*Everything was grand till after my last class (10pm) and my back got tight all of a sudden. Really stiff on my right SI joint. It sounds crazy but I went for a dump and that could have set it off - I had a small amount of bread and potatos earlier - maybe linked to a food intollerance, I dunno. Probably clutching at straws now!

The knees to elbows could have aggrivated teh flexion around my SI joint too or the fact my adductors got super tight in the running. Im not sure what the deal is. Ill let this flare up calm down and see what Im at then...

Monday, 14 May 2012

3 PRS in one session!

Mon 14th

Power Snatch heavy single -> 90% 1 x 2 55kg - 55kg (failed on 60)

Jerk Heavy single -> 100kg PR!!

Squat heavy double -> 150kg x 2 (the second rep was probably a fraction high)

Push Press heavy double -> 85kg PR got 90kg for 1

Back Extensions 3 x 10

Sat 12th

Snatch Balance 3 x 3 47.5kg

Snatch Grip Push Press 5 x 5 55kg

HSPU (green plates) 3 x 5

then 3 rounds of;
12KB Snatch 20kg r+l
10 Inverted Ring Rows

Fri 11th

Push Press 3 x 3 75kg

Squat 3 x 3 130kg

Barbell Row 3 x 3 75kg

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

hill sprints

Wed 9th

Hevent been sleeping great lately. I have been amazed that my strength has been improving lately but I think I may be at the limit of my reserves now. I decided not to push it today - Ill train tomorrow instead.  Bit disappointed that I have been following this current training plan a little loosely but Im still making gains...

Tue 8th

Went for a hill sprint session with Stephanie in the morning. We did 8 sets of 10 seconds all out, 2.30 recovery. From there we did a light jog around deer park adn then I messed around on the monkey bars and did a couple of sets of knees to elbows.

Monday, 7 May 2012

Mon 7th

Split Jerk 3RM; 90% 3 x 2 82.5 (shit!) - 70kg

Push Press 3RM; 90% 3 x 2 80kg - 72.5kg

Squat 3RM; 90% 3 x 2 142.5 - 127.5kg 3RM PR

*had to take the class so finished after with barbell row

Barbell Row 3RM; 90% 3 x 2 80kg - 72.5kg

Sat 5th

Snatch - heavy single got 62.5 but missed 65 - dropped the bar on my back!!

Clean & Jerk got 90kg - jerk needs work!

Front squat 125kg x 2 unbelted

Wed 2nd

Snatch Balance 2RM; 90% 2 x 2
40kg - did 42.5 badly!

Push Press 90% of mon; 3 x 3

Squat 90% of mon 3 x 3 125kg

Barbell Row 90% of mon 3 x 3 72.5kg

Tue 1st

Clean 3RM 90% 3 x 2 80 / 72.5kg

Power Snatch 75% 2 x 3 47.5kg

Clean Pull 3RM; 90% 3 x 2 100 / 90kg

3 rounds of;
KB Topside Halfmoons 10/10 (16kg, gamed this!)
5 Box jumps mid thigh

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Mon 30th

Jerk 3RM; 90% x 3 x 2 80 / 72.5kg

Push Press 3RM; 90% x 3 x 2 77.5kg / 70kg

Back Squat 3RM; 905 x 3 x 2 *I was having a bad day and for some reason did some singles, got up to 150kg and then went back to 125kg for the last 2 sets to work on speed out of the bottom

Barbell Row 3RM; 90% x 3 x 3 80 / 72.5kg