Tue 15th
Went for a sprint session with Steph.
Did a set of 4 reps of 15 seconds all out 3:40 recovery, second set did 3 reps.
After that I got teh gym rings out and messed around with muscle up progressions and a few sets of dips. I also did 3 x 10 of strict knees to elbows on the straight bar.
*Everything was grand till after my last class (10pm) and my back got tight all of a sudden. Really stiff on my right SI joint. It sounds crazy but I went for a dump and that could have set it off - I had a small amount of bread and potatos earlier - maybe linked to a food intollerance, I dunno. Probably clutching at straws now!
The knees to elbows could have aggrivated teh flexion around my SI joint too or the fact my adductors got super tight in the running. Im not sure what the deal is. Ill let this flare up calm down and see what Im at then...