Monday, 26 August 2013

Fallen off the radar once again!!!

Sat 24th

Trained with the guys in the gym, great session. This was one of those sessions where we just went mad...

A. Bench x 2,2,1 - 90,95, 100(f)
B. Iso Bench 2 x 6 (3sec hold at bottom) 65kg

C. Timed Barbell Row 3 x 20sec, 90sec rest

D. Y Banded Rows 3 x 8; 90sec rest

E. Farmers Carries x 4 32kg kb in each hand 200m

F. Sled Drags x 4 (40m + weighted vest + 100kg)

G Squat -> build up to heavy double 140kg

H1. Cheat Hammer Curls 3 x 6 20kg
H2. Banded Tricep Pushdowns x 45,30,25

Mon 19th - Fri 23rd

This was pretty much a deload week, didn't get a lot done and sleep was appalling! I trained BJJ in Andy's twice this week and felt an improvement from the week with Langhi.

Sunday 11th - Saturday 17th

Michael Langhi Seminar. Amazing week, trained at least 3 hours per day sunday - saturday. I learnt a tonne of new things and really has put the idea in my head again to go travelling to other gyms / world champions to see how they train.

It was pretty tough on the body but I was happy that I got through EVERY session and sparred in every session.

Saturday 10th Aug

I can't remember the details of this session but I remember Squatting 135kg x 3, back and everything felt ok

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Sat 4th

A. Squat 3 x 3; 120, 125, 132.5kg

B. DB Lunge 3 x 10/10; 20kg

C. Farmers Carries 32kg KBs x 3

D. Reverse Hyper 3 x 12 (no weight)

E. Skull Crushers 4 x 12; 25,27.5, 27.5, 22.5kg (+bar)

Squats felt good up till the last set, felt like a bit of a grind but back was ok. Triceps feel burnt out!! Probably from the pushups yesterday too. Forearms were 'stinging' on the carries! 

Fri 3rd

Been feeling tired the past couple of days, not sure if its sleep or doing jits again, especially 2 classes so close. 

A. DB Pushups 3 x max; 35, 22, 15

B1. Pullups 4 x 8 (last set chins)
B2. Facepulls 4 x 12

C. DB Shoulders 4 x 20; 17.5, 17.5, 15, 15kg

D1. DB Shrugs 3 x 12 27.5kg
D2. Incline DB Seated curls 3 x 12,12,10 12.5kg

Felt TIRED today, muscular and energy-wise, jits??

Thu 2st

BJJ Gi - I took the morning class in Andys and practiced half guard bottom.

Wed 31st July

3pm - 25min run with Steph, got soaked on the way back!

Trained BJJ in Andys in the evening. First evening and nogi class in a LONG TIME!

Went well, practiced shooting in, sprawling and bravo / anacondas. I felt good, good base and caught Redser with a guillotine. I held onto a Brabo for far too long against Anto and lost it, should have transitioned to a better position and not burn out.

Knee held up ok (left lateral ligament)