Thursday, 1 May 2014

It has been manic this week with Steph getting ready for her fight in Liverpool...

Sun 27th

A. Press - wrist was so and so but I worked up to 50kg 2 x 5

B. Shoulder Shocker Series

C. 2k row 7'09.8

* the row needs work! I was ok for the first 500 but then it went downhill. I impressed myself with the last 300, really dug in but left the sprint too late - I think I held a split of about 1'40/500m for this. Legs were WRECKED afterwards!!

Tue 29th

Did BJJ in Andys for 2 hours, Rodrigo took the class and there was lots of rolling. Good fun!

Wed 30th Apr

Ran with Steph in the evening - 5k. Felt 'fitter'. My average hr came in at about 159 and stayed below 160 for a lot of the run but then jumped for the last 10 mins, not sure if it was cause I was talking more? or maybe the coffee before the run!

Thu 1st May

BJJ - coached in Andys for 2 hours.

Decent session again but my hand is pretty sore at the moment.

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Sat 26th

Rodrigo Medeiros Seminar

Fri 25th

A. Split Squat 3 x 6/6 @3011; 20kgs

B. Single Leg DL 3 x 5/5; 20kg

C. GHR 3 x 10; 1min rest

D. Shoulder Shocker Series 3 x 10 (15kg, 8kg, band facepulls)


Row 3 x 20sec @100%; 3:40rest 117,119,117m
6mins walking recovery
Row 3 x 20sec @100%; 3:40rest 119, 119, 124m*

* read it wrong and was going 90% until the last piece! 

I felt I could row 'more powerfully' when I didn't catch and pull hard straight way but pulled harder when the handles were almost over my knees

Thu 24th

Coached in Andy's for 1.5hours - my wrist was improving but my right elbow flared up again (hurt it getting caught in an armbar last year and it never really healed properly).

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Tue 22

6k run - first thing am (avg 163bpm - 29mins / 6k - HR went back from 170 to 110 in 3mins post run)

then 1.5 hours bjj andys

Mon 21st

BJJ + MMA with Steph  - 2 hours

Sun 20th

MMA / BJJ - 9pm with Steph

Sat 19th

A. RDL 3 x 5 100, 110,110kg

B. Row 8 x 200m / 45sec rest x 2

Fri 18th

A1. Squat 3 x 3 130kg
A2. Box Jump mid thigh 3 x 3

Friday, 18 April 2014

run to kimmage

Thu 17th

Did 2 hours bjj in Andys in the am and then in the evening I left the gym kes with Steph so had to do an impromptu run to Kimmage and back!

Tue 15th

Did bjj in Andys

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Sun 13 April

Sun 13th

Busy one today!


First thing, ran with Steph along the canal -> to grand canal st and back. 6km run in total 32mins


A. Squat -> singles did 130kg, 150kg and 166kg (Dar was spotting and got me a bit early so I won't count it yet!)

B. Squat 3 x 3 120kg

C. EZ Bar curls 3 x 12 22.5kg + ez bar


Did some MMA tech with Steph

Fri 11th

Did BJJ in Barrys tough session!

did some weights with Dar in the afternoon, I was really shattered from earlier so I only did some 'beach muscles'

A. DB Seaetd Press 4 x 10 17.5kg

B1. DB Row 4 x 10 27.5kg
B2. Face pulls 4 x 12

C. shoulder shocker series

Thu 10th

Coached BJJ in Andys

Mon - had some sort of vomiting bug so I didn't do much, sick again! I may need to get bloods or something

Wednesday, 26 March 2014


Wed 26th

A. Squat 3 x 3 - 140,145kg,140kg

B1. Chins 3 x 10
B2. Facepulls 3 x 12

C1. GHR 2 x 6
C2. Ab Wheel 2 x 6

D. Incline Curls 2 x 10 15kgs

* squatting with Dar, to be honest teh first rep of 140 felt tough and I would have bailed if he wasn't there, he got 2 with 145, so naturally I had to do 3 - the power of the mind! 

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Sat 22nd - double bodyweight squat

Sat 22nd

Squat 160 80.5 on gym scales with clothes on, so double bodyweight with no spotter!

(warmed up with 140 - felt heavy, 150) - happy to do this with no spotter. Still to slow on the way down but will work on it

Had MRI on my wrist today

18th (ish) 

Squat 140kg 3 x 3

*back has been feeling ok. Wrist is bad though, so no pressing movements. I have been doing some heavy singles in the squat recently and then doing 'volume' days with 3 rep sets. Also experimenting with going about 65% and trying speed out of the pocket, I will probably aim ot increase this % over the coming weeks.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Squat PR

I havent been doing much lately, my right elbow was very bad since December and then around mid January I got my right wrist locked and it is still bad 3 weeks later (it might be fractured...)

Having said all that, without any build up, I managed to hit a new squat PR on Saturday!

Sat 15th

Squat x 1 162kg PR (DOUBLE BODYWEIGHT)

 Mon 17th

A. Bulgarian Split Squat @3011, 3 x 6/6 20, 22.5, 22.5kg

B. GHR 3 x 10

C. Shoulder Shocker Series

* I didnt do much today as the wrist is bad.