Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Tue 17th - ECJJA

We looked at 2 guard passes against knee shield - weave and squash (?)

A tonne of nuggets in todays session!

First big thing was the footwork when passing - keep the knee on the floor, 'windshield wiper' over opponents bottom leg, he shouldn't be able to stop it.

Pass 1: When going for the leg weave pass make sure to flatten opponents knee shield and then 'sprawl' onto his hip, as you turn hips slightly in the direction his knees are pointing, do the windshield wiper step over this leg - as you pass, push the crown of your head into his shoulder and stretch his leg back with your grip to flatten him out.

As you do this pass, you can hop over his legs to the back.

Even when passing you can do this windshield wiper step to clear the opponents bottom leg, makes guard much easier to pass.

When passing half guard / knee shield, make sure to trap his bottom leg so that he can't regain guard / closed guard. If passing on knees, bring your free leg up into his hip armpit and keep it tight so he can't get his leg out.

Pass 2: If opponent has his knee shield vertical and you can't stuff it, your arm on that side traps his shin and grabs his belt or pants, squash his shin so he can't extend that leg. Other arm grabs opponents pants (be careful of kimura) and stuff this between legs and go for over-under pass.

I was having some success with these passes when rolling. Mentally I felt good rolling today, felt confident passing and I was making sure to try the above passes (getting some success - especially the over under pass, need to practice and drill these a lot!)

Some ideas...

I rolled with D - I avoided spiral armbars but got caught with standard armbar! He was passing on my left side (his favourite side) I need to keep him away more when I am in RDLR guard, I resetted well a couple of times but when he passed I completely capitulated.

Left knee held up ok aside from some clunking noises in deep flexion

Sun 15th

A. Airdyne 5 x 20sec @97%; 3min rest 13/14/12/13/12 cals 
B. Battlerope 5 x 20sec @95%; 3min rest
C. Row 10 x 30sec on / off

Sat 14th

A. Barbell Split Squat 3 x 8/8; 2min rest 50kg + chains
B1. GHR 4 x 6
B2. DB Bulgarian Split Squat 3 x 8/8 left leg only 10kg dbs
C1. Knee Raises 2 x 10
C2. Abwheel Rollouts 2 x 10
C3. Russian Twists 2 x 10/10 15kg
C4. KB Side Bends 2 x 10/10 28kg

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