Friday, 12 August 2016

Thu aug 12th

AM - ECJJA Nogi (didn't do yoga)

Felt ok in this session, still working the half guard game, a small bit sharper than last week. 


Decided to hop on the erg and do a 1min row .. DIED a death in the last 20sec - particularly the last 3... 753m 

1min row 753m  Will test this again in a month

Wed 11th

no training - feeling a little beaten up at the moment, on antibiotics as well with this chest infection :(

Tue 10th 


PM - SDSC 25mins of Assault bike 30sec on / 30sec off avg rpm 70

A photo posted by David McConkey (@david_mcconkey) on
* tracking this has been poor, have been consciously not trying to over analyse anything at the moment.

Monday, 8 August 2016

Sat 6th

Am - bro session, lots of arms!

Fri 5th

ECJJA - evening sparring.

Did 6(?) Rounds - first 2 in a row then 1 on 1 off. Did not feel fit at all, not sure why, breathing isn't great, still carrying a bit of this chest infection.

I was a bit deflated after this session and before Worlds, I feel like I'm going backwards or at least stagnating. I guess I have been sick and injured and training hasn't been consistent, c'est la vie. I've written more about this in the diary.

Thu 4th

ECJJA - Yoga and Nogi (went for a dip in the 40ft after too)

Wed 3rd 

Init yoga am - tough session!!

Tue 2nd 

ECJJA - Nogi