Sat 25th
1000m - 3'11.5
4th spot. a few seconds off my PR - 3'06.9 :(
I drove down that morning and more or less straight onto the erg. Not the best prep!! Next time I think I will go down the night before. A few other things - WARM UP!! Also, I am not great in mornings for training so if I know that I will be competing early - train early in the run up to the event.
I started conservatively, too conservatively. I went for my target paces - 1:32 and tried to hold that. My first 200m needs to be sub target pace. and then fall back into the 1:32. I had a fight at the end for the last 200 and was able to push on a bit. Id be interested to see my splits and rate but I think I just need to be braver out of the gates.
I also wasn't mad on the 1k training in the run up to this. I probably neglected the longer, slower work. I think I would be nearly better off doing more aerobic work and sprinkling in some alactic work in the run up to the next one.