Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Wed 22nd 

still not feeling great...

Push up ladder 10-1
* between each rung perform 5 dead hang chin ups
10 rounds of:
DB Shoulder Press x 8 17.5kg dbs
Rest 2mins 
* during rest perform 3 wide grip pullups
Front Raise 3 x 15 10kg plate 
Lat Raise 3 x 15 6kg dbs 
* between each set perform 5 band pullaparts

Tue 21st 

Didn't train, woke up feeling pretty sick, throaty! Lack of sleep and hard training was bound to catch up with me! I thought it was just 'ski' flu from the 2k yesterday but I was feeling a bit off at the weekend

Mon 20th

Tried a full workout from the Maximus Body book and subbed a row for a ski timetrial 

Ski 2k at 2:00/500m pace
Assaultbike 6 x 30/30
2k ski timetrial -> 7'30.8 (PR)
(suffered on this! started very fast and felt like packing it in half way through, really fought through the second half to finish - 8 damper setting, sprinted with about 300m to go)
finisher: 5min plank (took about 9mins to accumulate, was in bits!)
cool down: 
Bike 5 mins 

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Sun 19th

Open mat East Coast - got a few rounds in. Left hip flexor is really tight so didn't do too much!

Sat 18th 

Open Mat East Coast - felt really really tired after this one, I think it had something to do with the early start in work and then the skierg from last night.

Fri 17th

AM - did 45 mins drills with Austin, Faria Guard stuff...

Skierg -> 10 x 1k ski; 2min rest
*tried to keep them all under 4mins

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Thu 16th

Didn't make it to East Coast as I was shattered this morning, need to address sleep better.

PM - tried 3 attempts at a 30sec row for distance
30sec row - 5min rest
191m, 186m, 190m
* first one was full retard, stroke rate was probably too high, second one I tried to control this, 3rd one went ballistic again. For a 1min trial I probably need better control and trust in the technique a bit more - I feel like I will stall out with the going nuts approach...

+then 2 hours later+

2k skierg for the tourdeskierg challenge
7'36.4 (I cant remember the damper setting, think it was at 8). May have on more go at this for the challenge and keep the strokes to 30pm.

Wed 15th

* feeling tired! Diet was shocking too! Trained with JB

A. Weighted Chins 10x3 15,15,15,15,17.5,17.5,17.5,20,20,20kg
B. Fatgripz DB Bench 4 x 12 27.5kg dbs
C. DB Row 4 x 12/12 27.5kg 

Tue 14th 

East Coast Nogi

PM - SDSC 500m ski for the tourdeskierg challenge

Mon 13th 

SDSC - trained with JB

A. RDL 3 x 5 120kg
B. 20 rounds of
10 cals skierg
10 pushups
29'49 (up to round 18 pushups were unbroken)
C. GHR 3 x 10

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Sunday, 12 February 2017

Sun 12th 


Sat 11th 

East Coast - Open Mat , some gi and nogi rounds

Fri 10th

AM - Drills with Austin and Conor

A. RDL 4 x 6 80,100,120,120
plenty of rest and then 500m ski erg -> 1'30'6 PR

A photo posted by David McConkey (@david_mcconkey) on

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Thu 9th

no bjj :(

Wed 8th

Trained in SDSC with JB and Juan

A. Skierg 5 x 1min/ 2min rest @2:00 / 500m pace
(Did a 500m ski timetrial here - 1'35.0 - died a death!!) 
B. 3 rounds of
90sec Skierg @2:00 / 500m pace -> 10/10 Walking Lunge (15kg dbs)
3min rest
C. 3 rounds of
90sec Row @1:45 / 500m pace -> 15 Fatgripz DB Bench 25, 27.5, 27.5kg
3min rest
D. (Ring) Dips x 50 (last 20 on straight bar)

* was stuck for time as I had a PT session to do

Tue 7th 

BJJ - Nogi East Coast

Mon 6th

A. I's, Y's, T's, W's 3 x 10 3kg
10->1 chin up ladder
* between each rung - farmers walks length of gym 45kg dbs
Barbell row 10 x 10 50kg
* perform 2 clapping pushups in each rest
Hammer Curls 3 x 15 12.5kg

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Sun 5th

Skierg - 5k -> 19'56.4

Was attempting to PR (hoping for 10seconds) but my head wasn't in it. Damper setting was at just at 9, arms felt heavy in the middle 1000's, was able to dig in and get the split to around 1'50 or so for the last 500metres. Maybe have the damper setting a bit lower in future?

Sat 4th

Was a disjointed session, just pottered around really!

A. Skierg 100m sprint -> '17.6 (said 17.5 on the PM5)
B. Single leg plyo jumps
C. Banded Barbell Split Squats 4 x 10/10 (worked on speed on concentric) 40kg + purple bands
D. Fatgripz DB Bench 3 x 12 25kg dbs (left elbow clickign a lot)
E. 1 minute Row - 371m
* started very fast here but diet a death for last 20seconds - slipped on seat AND lost grip of handle at one stage, maybe a slightly slower start next time?

Fri 3rd

A. Skierg 5 x 1000m / 2min rest
*Aim was to hold a 1:55 split but found this tough!
B. Tricep Pushdowns 5 x 15 24kg

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Thu 2nd

AM - East Coast nogi, lots of drills and 3min rounds changing partners

Wed 1st 

Started the tour de ski challenge - 5k skierg

19'59.8 - damper 7, averaged a 2:00 split, may try a slightly higher damper setting next time...

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