Monday, 30 December 2019

Mon 30th Dec

End of Deadcember -

Deadlift 202kg PR

I struggled with this one - missed my first 3 attempts! First was hook grip and that failed me. Then for the final one I did alternate grip and used a belt.

Sun 29th 

Row 30r20

Sat 28th

Row 5 x 1min on / 1min off
1'34.9 avg / r30

Fri 27th 

Deadcember Deload

A. Deadlift 2 x 2 50% - 100kg
B. Bench 3 x 5 80kg
C1. Pullups 3 x 8
C2. Kickbacks 3 x 8/8
C3. Rollouts 3 x 8

Thu 26th 

Row 3 x 750m / 4min rest
1'42 / 1'41 / 1'46.8

felt a bit faint during the first round - just felt tough today and it got in my head after as I did this a few month ago and had way lower splits

Friday, 20 December 2019

Fri 20th

Noon - Row (intervals)
5 x 40sec / 20 rest / 20 sec (5min rest)

This was a lot tougher than it looked 

Afternoon - BJJ with Ciaran , gi

just flow / light rolling - knee felt good! 

PM - Deadcember

A. Deadlift
5 x 140kg
4 x 160kg
3 x 170kg
2 x 180kg
200 (f) - tried hook grip first - got it off the floor (about 2 inches) 
200 (f) - tried alternate grip 
190 (f) - did this twice with a hook grip 2 days ago - poor sleep / diet / fatigue from training earlier and volume leading up to this didn't help I'm sure!! 
B. Bench 70kg x 5
80kg 5 x 5
C1. Ab rollouts 3 x 8
C2. Pullaparts 3 x 20

Thu 10th 

A. Pause Deadlifts 3 x 3 130,140,150kg felt strong 
B. Pause Squat 3 x 3 102.5 , 112.5, 120kg felt strong
C. GHR 3 x 10

Thursday, 19 December 2019

Wed 18th 


Row 6 x 1min/ 1min rest
1:36.8 avg r32 avg

PM - Deadcember

A. Deadlift 4 x 3 150kg (felt strong on these)
B. Floor Press 4 x 3 70,75,81,87 (left shoulder hurt even with these)
C1. Chins 3 x 8
C2. Pendlay Row 3 x 6 80kg
C3. EZ Bar Curls 3 x 10 28kg
C4. KB Shrugs 3 x 12 32kg kbs

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Things have been a bit manic the past few days and I haven't been really prioritising training properly - just fitting it in where I can, average diet, sleep etc...

Tue 17th

Stuck in traffic for hours, I only got an opportunity to Squat ...

6 x 112.5kg
4 x 127.5kg
3 x 135kg
2 x 145kg

felt stiff from the deadlifts last night - my right knee started acting a little weird. I felt a crunch (not painful) deadlifting earlier in the week but it was a bit unstable once or twice later in the day. It was freezing in the gym too, so that could be a factor.

Mon 16th

AM - started a Row workout (500m,4min rest / 400m,3min rest / 300m,2min rest / 200m, 1min rest/ 100m)

Bailed on the 300. Held 1'30 split, then 1'29 and was holding 1'28 just about and stopped. Didn't warm up and probably came out of the gates too hard.


A. Deadlift 3 x 150kg , 3 x 160kg, 2 x 180kg , 2 x 190kg (2rm??) 
all hook grip. The 190 started to bring the lower back into it more , nearly lost my grip at the top of the second rep.

B. Bench 3 x 5 80, 82.5, 85 - left shoulder was giving me grief while doing these, so I didn't go any heavier.

C. Repeated the Row workout, capped the rate at 34

Sat 14th 

Phoenix park 5k run

Fri 13th 

PM - Deadlifts

Noon - Row 500m PR - 1'23.1

Felt strong at the start (chain / catch was all over the place though) last 200m was a struggle - I should have really gotten 1'22...

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Tue 10th Dec 

Felt really dodgy all day - ate late last night and was awake from around 2-4am. Tired all day so I only did a bit of strength work. I think the party was probably a contributor at the weekend but the late eating (Mondays??) and maybe the slightly higher intensity row yesterday got me...

PM (a small bit from Deadcember) 

A. Trap bar deadlift 4 x 6 reps
120, 140, 160, 180kg
B. Bench 8 x 70kg, 6 x 80kg, 5 x 85kg, 4 x 90kg
shoulder felt a little better doing these - but just from rest of not benching, definitely shows pain is probably the biggest limiting factor for me as weight gets heavier. 

Mon 9th 

AM - Deadcember

A. Deadlift 4 x 3 120,140,150,160kg
B. Squat 4 x 3 100, 112.5, 122.5, 130
C1. GHR 3 x 8
C2. Hip Thursters (green band) 3 x 10
C3. Plate Twist 3 x 10/10 15kg

PM - Row

4 x 500m; 5min rest
the last round was tough but do-able, I tried to keep my rate to 30...

Sat 7th 

Bjj in Monkstown with Ciaran - did some harder rounds with him, felt good. I only really felt the knee once - when I was doing a guard pass and I jumped to change sides quickly - nothing major but may be worth practicing this movement in isolation.

Fri 6th 

Row intervals
1500m (r20) / 1:30 (open) / 1500m / 1:30 / 1500m

Thu 5th 

A. Deadlift 4 x 3 125,135,142.5, 152.5
B. Squat 4 x 3 112.5, 120, 122.5
C1. GHR 3 x 5 (5sec negative)
C2. Stepping Lunge 3 x 8/8
C3. Hanging Knee Raise 3 x 10
D1. Single Leg Squat 3 x 3/3
D2. Squat Jumps 3 x 3
D3. Crunches 3 x 30

Noon - 30r20 Row

Lower DF 7256m , 2:04.2 avg - just felt tough today, haven't done one of these in a while!!

Wed 4th 

Noon - Row

8 x 1:30/ 1:00 r

1:45.3 avg / r 29

Tue 3rd

A. Snatch Grip Deads 3 x 8 100,105,110kg 
B. Front Squat 3 x 8 75kg
C1. Split Squat 3 x 8/8 15kg dbs
C2. GHR 3 x 8
C3. Ab Rollouts 3 x 8
D1. DB Lunges 3 x 8/8 15kg
D2. Lateral Lung eHops 3 x 8/8
D3. Plate Twists 3 x 8/8 15kg

Mon 2nd

Row noon - variables

A. Deadlift 3 x 120kg, 3 x 140kg, 3 x 160kg, 3 x 160kg
B. Front Squat 3 x 95kg , 3 x 102.5kg, 3 x 105kg
C1. DB Row 4 x 5/5 35kg db
C2. Rear Delts 4 x 15 5,6,6,6
C3. Curls x 5,10,15,20 40kg, 30kg, 25kg, 20kg

Friday, 29 November 2019

Fri 29th Nov

PM - ArmFarm

Bench - 90 x 1 , 100 x 1 , 105 x 1 , 110 f 
100kg 2 x 2 , 90kg 3 x 2

Arms felt tired here - still feel like its more arms than chest. Fro the 110 I just felt tired getting under the bar, no conviction really!! 105 felt heavy but doable. 

Noon  Row


2000m / 300m / 300m / 2000m / 300m / 300m / 2000m (3mins rest between each) 

Thu 28th 

1 hour row - tried to keep it to 140bpm or less

2:18.7 avg. - 12,971m

travelled slightly further (90ish m) than previous 1 hour two weeks ago...

Wed 27th 

Pm - Squatted with Kev, used a prog from Hybrid Athlete...

A. Squat - build to heavy 2 140kg (felt strong)
B. Squat 75% of A , 8 x 2 reps 105kg
C. DB Bulgarian Split Squat 2 x 8/8 20kg dbs 
D. Jumping Split Lunge (holding 10kg Plate) 2 x 30sec

Noon - Row

10 x 1:30 / 1min rest

Tue 26th

Mon 25th 


8 x 300m; 3min rest
(1:29.5 avg - all under 1:30)

The last couple of rounds FUCKED me up - real leg burner. I was going to stop at 7 rounds but somehow hoped back on for 8, like auto pilot. Really went into a dark place in this, relationship bad lactic acid build up afterwards and thought I was going to vomit.
This actually rattled me for a few days - woke up later in the night with reflux (ate eggs late) and stomach wasn't right for a few days after

Friday, 22 November 2019

Fri 22nd 

1min row - 1k TT split and rate

I went twice because the first one was totally undisciplined!! I did a sprint start and had my split unrealistically low and rate high for the 1k...

The aim was 1:31 and r 34ish...

Second time around I didn't do a sprint start and I felt much 'calmer' for it.

Looking at my old 1k it was -> 1:33.5 r34 avg


Thu 21st

Evening - I was exhausted. Just flaked out on the couch, arms / elbows were aching real bad (like a flu ache)

Morning - some nogi with Hugo - felt good, he's good to roll with, lets me get positions and is aware of the knee...

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Wed 20th

Lunch - Row

10 x 1:30 / 1min rest

* knee is a little thingy the past few days - it just feels a little 'unstable' in moving / twisting positions. I haven't been stretching as much lately and sleep hasn't been as good as last week...

Tue 19th

PM -
A. Bench 10 x 65kg, 8 x 77.5kg , 6 x 87.5kg, 4 x 92.5kg , 10 x 70kg
B1. Lat Raise 3 x 12 8kg (x15), 10kg, 10kg
B2. Chest Supported DB Row 2 x 20 15kg dbs

noon -
30min Skierg

then 3 x 10 GHR
some Copenhagen planks and some lateral bounding

Mon 18th 


Squat 102.5 x 2, 120 x 2, 135 x 2, 140 x 2

noon - Row

10 x 250m; 2:30 rest
1:31.5 r 35 avg

Sun 17th 

BJJ - Monkstown

I did some Gi with Ciaran - knee felt fine until we did a spider guard tech and he posted on my left foot (as my leg was straight) and I felt a weakness / twinge on my medial ligament.

Sunday, 17 November 2019

Sat 16th 

PM - Row with the gang

2500m / 1:30 / 1:30 / 2500m
2:00 r 20 / 1k pace / 1k pace / 2:00 r 20

Felt like I couldn't drop the split on the 1k pace - 1:32 was the lowest! I probably need to drop the r20 split a little too - need more legs!!

Noon - Arm Farm

A1. DB Row 4 x 5/5 35kg db
A2. Barbell Rows 5 , 8 , 10, 10 30,40,40,40kg
B. Weighted Chins 4 x 3 25,20,20,20kg
C1. DB Pullovers 3 x 5 , 8 , 10 35kg
C2. Prone Flys 4 x 15 6kg
C3. Concentration Curls 4 x 10/10 10,12.5,12.5,12.5kg
C4. Band Pushdowns 4 x 25

* Knee is a little 'clicky' - I don't know if it is the cold. I am back wearing the vivos. Diet has been slightly off but not as bad as previously 

Friday, 15 November 2019

Fri 15th


A1. Bench 6 x 65% , 3 x 75% , 2 x 82.5% , 2 x 90%, 2 x 90%, 17 x 70kg
70, 82.5, 90, 100, 100kg
A2. DB Curls 5 x 5/5 15,15,15,20,20kg dbs
B. Squat 5 x 60% , 5 x 70% , 5 x 70% 105, 120, 120kg
C1. DB Seated Press 3 x 12 15,17.5,17.5
C2. DB Lat Raise 3 x 12 8kg
C3. Front Raise 3 x 12 15kg

Injury update....

Left knee is a little cranky the past few days....

Weather has gotten colder
I did an hour on the erg (row) - I don't know if the volume there is a factor
A few hard skierg sprint attempts - could that be a factor 

Sleep has been good (using the Garmin app to track that)
Trying to eat a bit more food 

ALSO.... I went back to wearing my Nike runners for a bit -maybe this is a factor??? I have gone back to my Vivos today....

I actually did some single leg squats from a box (sets of 5) - partial pistols and I felt as though this helped 'calibrate' the knee a bit.

I am not sure where I am with BJJ. I did some light flow rolling with Hugo yesterday. I just feel as if there its no 'spring' or athleticism on my left knee when needed. It just feels 'off'. I still have that sensation like if I stubbed a foot on a table chair or something as I walked by, my knee would buckle. No bueno.

Thu 14th 

Noon - quick Skierg With Kev
4 x 1250m / 3min rest
Aim was to keep at a 2min split and r48...

AM - Rolls with Hugo.

It was good to get some flow rolling in (and a reminder how to flow!), some light positions, zero subs or force.

The knee still feels a little off (unstable? I amn't even sure anymore). I don't feel any closer to making full return to training - all a bit disheartened and frustrating.

Wed 13th 

PM - ArmFarm

A1. Weighted Chins 4 x 3 -> 30,32.5, 35, 35kg
A2. DB RDL 4 x 5 35kg dbs
B. Barbell Row x 5,5,8,8,10 -> 80,80,70,60,60
C1. Barbell Curls 3 x 10 30kg
C2. DB Pullovers 3 x 10 35kg

Noon - Row
12 x 1:30; 1min rest

Tue 12th 

Noon - Recovery Row

1 hour - 12,904m (keeping HR between 135-140)

Mon 11th

PM - Arm Farm

A. Bench 9 x 60% , 7 x 70% , 5 x 80%, 3 x 85%, 12 x 60%
65kg , 77.5kg , 87.5kg , 92.5kg
B1. Lat Raise 3 x11
B2. Front Raise 3 x 11
B3. Rear Delts 3 x 11
C. Front Squat 3 x 5 @50% back squat 1rm

Noon - Row 12 x 200m; 2min rest