Things have been a bit manic the past few days and I haven't been really prioritising training properly - just fitting it in where I can, average diet, sleep etc...
Tue 17th
Stuck in traffic for hours, I only got an opportunity to Squat ...
6 x 112.5kg
4 x 127.5kg
3 x 135kg
2 x 145kg
felt stiff from the deadlifts last night - my right knee started acting a little weird. I felt a crunch (not painful) deadlifting earlier in the week but it was a bit unstable once or twice later in the day. It was freezing in the gym too, so that could be a factor.
Mon 16th
AM - started a Row workout (500m,4min rest / 400m,3min rest / 300m,2min rest / 200m, 1min rest/ 100m)
Bailed on the 300. Held 1'30 split, then 1'29 and was holding 1'28 just about and stopped. Didn't warm up and probably came out of the gates too hard.
A. Deadlift 3 x 150kg , 3 x 160kg, 2 x 180kg , 2 x 190kg (2rm??)
all hook grip. The 190 started to bring the lower back into it more , nearly lost my grip at the top of the second rep.
B. Bench 3 x 5 80, 82.5, 85 - left shoulder was giving me grief while doing these, so I didn't go any heavier.
C. Repeated the Row workout, capped the rate at 34
Sat 14th
Phoenix park 5k run
Fri 13th
PM - Deadlifts
Noon - Row 500m PR - 1'23.1
Felt strong at the start (chain / catch was all over the place though) last 200m was a struggle - I should have really gotten 1'22...
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