BJJ open mat - had a good few rounds here, knee held up, felt good today, working on over under passing still, neck is sore now!! but all good, enjoyed that session :)
evening - SDSC 40min row 8587m
Sat 28th
1 session before PT and one session after ....
A. Split Squats 5 x 10/10 50kg
B. GHR 5 x 10
1 hour row
Fri 27th
AM - Yoga
PM - SDSC - Row 40mins before work / 10 mins after
Did some arm work afterwards but was really tired, so shut it down after a few sets.
Thu 26th
AM - Yoga then BJJ
Knee held up, I was nervous going into the session but it felt ok afterwards. I was a bit foggy rolling, kept it a bit more flowy but was making silly mistakes against the higher belts, still though, the knee feels ok!
PM - row SDSC
30mins recovery - 6704m