Monday, 30 May 2016

Sun 29th 

BJJ open mat - had a good few rounds here, knee held up, felt good today, working on over under passing still, neck is sore now!! but all good, enjoyed that session :)

evening - SDSC 40min row 8587m

Sat 28th

1 session before PT and one session after ....

A. Split Squats 5 x 10/10 50kg
B. GHR 5 x 10


1 hour row

Fri 27th

AM - Yoga

PM - SDSC - Row 40mins before work / 10 mins after

Did some arm work afterwards but was really tired, so shut it down after a few sets.

Thu 26th

AM - Yoga then BJJ

Knee held up, I was nervous going into the session but it felt ok afterwards. I was a bit foggy rolling, kept it a bit more flowy but was making silly mistakes against the higher belts, still though, the knee feels ok!

PM - row SDSC

30mins recovery - 6704m

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Wed 25th

Am - InitYoga


Tue 24th

Noon - BJJ -> I was only going to do technique as the knee was still not right (drilled over under pass in DLR) but did some rolling, the knee actually felt fine during and afterwards. 

PM - SDSC 5k row - 19'31.4

Mon 23rd

AM - Init Yoga (knee felt ok)

I texted alex, he said no pretzel stretches for the time being - I also got some solgar7 and will try that for a bit. I've been icing the knee on and off fairly frequently.

PM - SDSC row 30mins 7305m

Day 7. The knee has been acting up a little, so my daily target of 10k never really materialised, with everything else going on, a minimum of 5k will have to do. One week in and we are on target to reach 1 million metres for @awareireland - we have already exceeded our fundraising target! I hope this challenge continues to increase awareness and also funds in order to provide the information, understanding and support for individuals who have had a diagnosis of depression or bipolar as well as those supporting a loved one. I have had a tough 12 months personally and know how important it is to be surrounded by a solid support structure. I hope the results of this challenge and fundraising can help others in tough times. It is a cliche, but be kind to each other, as oftentimes we don't know what's going on in each other's lives or what struggles we are up against 👍🏻 #aware #mentalhealth #depression #support #awareness #family #fundraising #fundraiser #row #rowing #concept2 #sdscgym
A photo posted by David McConkey (@david_mcconkey) on

Sun 22nd

SDSC - Row 30mins 7701m

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Sat 21st

Knee still feels off, lateral side also hurts (feels like a sharp pain if I internally rotate?) I decided to do some strength work to try and 're-calibrate' the knee...

A. Barbell Split Squat 5 x 10/8 50kg
B. GHR 4 x 10
C. Row 5k - 20'30.3

A photo posted by David McConkey (@david_mcconkey) on

Fri 20th

Yoga AM - before the class started I was doing some stretches and did a glute stretch on my left side and strained / twisted / hurt my knee! I knew instantly I should have come out of the stretch but didn't (idiot!).

I recall straining my knee a bit doing the cross legged seated position with my left leg on the inside - this just doesn't agree with my knee at all (other side it ok) so just don't do it!!

I rowed in the evening, knee was ok - nothing worse going on. Right patella tendon does feel inflamed though!

SDSC - 5k row 20'37.2

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Thu 19th 

ECJJA - Yoga at 10am - Aoife talked about the mantra 'I AM HERE' - something to use to stay centred / present, possibly for competitions.

Afterwards we did some drills and then did 6 5min rounds - first time I have done this much in MONTHS!!! Knee felt ok too, very happy 


5 k row - 19'27.0

Wed 18th

Am - Yoga at Init, tough session!! Haven't sweated that much in a long time! Great class.

PM - Row 7.5k-ish

Tue 17th


PM - Row 5k - tried to work on my pacing here, pretty happy with it

A photo posted by David McConkey (@david_mcconkey) on

Mon 16th

AM - Init Yoga

PM - Rowing challenge started in SDSC - 30mins 7295k

Sat 14th 

seminar in East Coast, Marcus showing some details from Brazil

Fri 13th 

AM - Yoga

PM - did some upper body stuff in SDSC

Thu 12th 


Wed 11th 


Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Tue 10th May


We did pass from HQ position drill - I really need to work on this. During live drilling, Nick was putting his outside foot on my shoulder to create distance - as Darragh said, keep piling pressure on this leg and trying to smash pass - keep driving pressure forward, don't let up, if you can, come under this leg then into half guard.

** When in close, use head / shoulder / upper body pressure to pass. When a bit further away (in hq position, use hips to pressure. If you are going to get caught up in half guar, just take a step back and set up passing again.

Did 3 x 6 min rounds. Felt good, knee was ok - BUT I twinged it slightly trying a pistol off the floor - not ready for this carry on yet!! 

Mon 9th May

AM - INIT Yoga

PM - very quick session at SDSC

messed around with some handstand / crow practice and then some modified pistols (onto low box)

then 3 rounds of:
Chins x 8
DB Pullovers x 10 20kg
DB Row x 10/10 25kg
single leg hops on trampoline (left leg only) x 30sec -> 30sec single leg balance work

Friday, 6 May 2016

Fri 6th May

InitYoga - talked about trust at the start - where in my body do I feel trust (gut) and having to trust oneself before trusting another. I trust I will be able to achieve these positions in time, if trust didn't work out in the past know that it was not a shortcoming of mine (something that resonated with me...) More to mull over...

Thu 5th May

ECJJA - Yoga 1hr

talked about being grateful for this body, was in line with the book Im reading (waking up) and consciousness and being separate - it was an interpreting view point that almost immediately made me feel more responsible and grateful for the body in 'in my possession' as a gift and a responsibility to look after it better...

Then BJJ - first time rolling in almost 6 months!! 

I was pretty nervous going into this and not sure how I would feel or how the knee would hold up. Thankfully it was ok. We did a basic drill, stand up in closed guar, open, torreada pass to back take. Then a variation when guard is opened to go to spider and pass spider and continue the drill as above.

Darragh showed me a good detail, when you have opponent in closed guard and get grips to go to spider (opponent is obviously going to know what you are about to do and he might stall) - bring your own knees in towards each other and windshield wiper out into bicep ride before going to spider - that way the opponent can't get his elbows in to defend.

I did 3 6 min rolls and the knee was ok, I wasn't planning on rolling but it held up ok.

I iced it afterwards and again that evening. It is a little clicky but nothing major. 

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Wed 4th May


Tue 3rd 

Only had a small window to do work, so did the follwowing...

A. Muscle Snatch x 3 + OH Walk x 20 yards x 5 sets 40kg
B. Shoulder Shocker 3 x 10

Mon 2nd - bank holiday

Sun  1st 

Did 90min yoga session at Init, was tough!!

Sat 30th

Band prehab work

A. Front Squat 4 x 6 50, 60,60,60 + chains * felt a pain in left knee in second set but it went away
B. DB Split Squat @3011, 3 x 8(l)/6(r)
C. GHR 4 x 10
D. Assault Bike x 8mins (100cals)