Friday, 30 September 2016

Thu 29th

sacked off training as I was feeling sick. Did some light weights in SDSC in the evening just to keep ticking over..

5 rounds of (easy pace)
A1. DB Row 5 x 10/10 25kg
A2. Shrugs 5 x 15 24kg kbs
A3. DB Pullovers 5 x 12 20kg

Wed 28th 

Woke up not feeling great ..


Tue 27th

ECJJA - Nogi passing

Feeling a bit better on rounds, a bit tougher / sharper. Probably no coincidence that I am on the mats more - I really need to be getting 4+ sessions per week. 

Monday, 26 September 2016

Sun 25th

EC - Open Mat, got 6 x 5min rounds in

As usual, sleep is poor and I'm starting to see connections with sluggishness (mentally and strategically when it comes to rolling) with lack of sleep....

On the plus side I got 4 bjj sessions in this week for the first time in a very long time and everything feels ok - sore but not injured!

Sat 24th 

EC - Open Mat

PM - SDSC , some beach muscles. Body felt SORE after bjj so this wasn't the most porductive...

A1. DB Press 3 x 10 20kg dbs
A2. Barbell Curl 3 x 10 35kg
B1. Prone Incline Flys 3 x 10 6kg dbs
B2. Tricep Pushdowns 3 x 12 28kg
C1. DB Lat Raise 3 x 10 8kgs
C2. DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10 15kg dbs

Fri 23rd

Yoga - INIT

Thu 22nd

Yoga - EC + BJJ

Wed 21st


A1. RDL 4 x 10; 1min rest 80kg
A2. Pushdowns 4 x 12; 1min rest 32kgs
B1. DB Lunge 4 x 10/10; 1min rest 15kg dbs
B2. Curls 4 x 10; 1min rest 35kg
C1. GHR 3 x 10; 1min rest
C2. DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10; 1min rest 15kg dbs

Tue 20th

BJJ East Coast

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Mon Sep 19th

Assault Bike 2 rounds of...

10 x 30sec work / 30sec rest (5mins break between rounds)

RPM 70, avg watts 460ish

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Sat 17th

Managed to fit the open mat in East Coast, 7 x 5-6min rounds in. Was tired going into it but happy to get the extra bjj session in this week.

Fri 16th

Was Ross Martin's wedding so only had 30mins to sneak in a session ...

A1. DB Press 3 x 10; 1min rest 20kg dbs 
A2. Barbell Curls 3 x 10; 1min rest 35kgs
B1. Prone Flys 3 x 10; 1min rest 6kg dbs - extra reps on left side
B2. Tricep Pushdowns 3 x 10; 32kgs
C1. Lat Raise 2 x 10; 8kgs
C2. Hammer Curls 2 x 10; 15kgs 

Thu 15th 

Nogi East Coast

Wed 14th 

no training?

Tue 13th 

Nogi East Coast

Monday, 12 September 2016

Mon 12th 

Init Yoga AM

woke up with a sore throat again!!! I don't know what is going on, I know there was the gym party at the weekend so food and sleep has been poor but it seems like my resiliency has gone completely. I don't feel injured at least. British Nogi open in 3 weeks and I amn't getting enough mat time, felt better rolling since the States (more aggressive - for me!) but still only 3 sessions since I've been back :(

Sun 11th 

no training

Sat 10th

SDSC - beach muscles session

A1. Press 3 x 10 40kg
A2. Barbell Curls 3 x 10 35kg
B1. Incline Prone Flys 3 x 10 8kg
B2. DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10 15kgs
C1. DB Lat Raise 3 x 10 8kg
C2. Tricep Pushdowns 3 x 20 24kg

Fri 9th
Cant remember what training I did, body has been TIRED since tuesday!!

Thu 8th 

Yoga east coast + Nogi east coast

tough rounds nogi, not as savage as tuesday but great session again, feel more confident and stronger rolling, body is holding up ok, ankle is getting a bit better.

Wed 7th

A. Chins 5x5 20kg
B. Barbell Rows 5 x 10 50,52.5,52.5,55,55kg
C. Incline Curls 3 x 10 15kgs

*right forearm started spasming badly just as I was trying to go to sleep, kept me awake. Minerals most be low, sleep poor too!

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Have been poor updating this! In the past month, San Diego and Vegas happened. Worlds Masters, wrote more about it in the training diary...

One week back from the US and still a bit tired but not really jet lagged.

Tue 6th Sep 

AM - East Coast Nogi. Tough session, 4 x 6 min rounds back to back and then at the end of the session a 3 min all out spar from standing - 5points down and make them back asap, good drill that I need to do more of.

PM - SDSC conditioning

30mins -> every second min, 15cals on assaultbike.

I decided to jump in with the 6pm class and this was tough!! last few rounds were about 45-50 sec to get 15 cals!!!

Mon 5th 

AM - first session back at Init Yoga