sacked off training as I was feeling sick. Did some light weights in SDSC in the evening just to keep ticking over..
5 rounds of (easy pace)
A1. DB Row 5 x 10/10 25kg
A2. Shrugs 5 x 15 24kg kbs
A3. DB Pullovers 5 x 12 20kg
Wed 28th
Woke up not feeling great ..
Tue 27th
ECJJA - Nogi passing
Feeling a bit better on rounds, a bit tougher / sharper. Probably no coincidence that I am on the mats more - I really need to be getting 4+ sessions per week.
ECJJA - Nogi passing
Feeling a bit better on rounds, a bit tougher / sharper. Probably no coincidence that I am on the mats more - I really need to be getting 4+ sessions per week.