Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Wed 23rd

Knee is still bad although I can walk a bit quicker and it isn't as painful - still no sudden movements or uneven weight on it and I haven't tried to do any type of quad stretch yet. I have an appointment on the 5th so that will get the ball rolling...

Mon 21st - some upper body stuff again...

Sat 19th

Trained with Jason and Ross Martin

A. Bench 5 x 5 /w. slingshot 85,85,90,90,90kg(x4)

B. KB Row 4 x 10/10 32kg kb

C. Shoulder Shocker c2.0

D1. Skullcrushers 3 x 10 30kg + bar
D2. Barbell Curls 3 x 10 35kg
D3. Band Pushdowns 3 x 20

Fri 18th - just did some sort of arm session

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Thu 17th

Trained in EC - knee was still feeling sore from Tuesdays treatment with Alex but I went anyway. Regret that decision now.

I did a thorough warmup and I was practicing single leg takedowns - I was just hopping on my left leg when I heard an almighty crack in my knee. I stopped for a second and then continued back take drills but the knee got a little more stiff so I stopped and called it a day.

Friday my knee was sore, felt a little unstable and sore to walk on, flexion was about 90 degrees.

Saturday much the same, I was in the gym for most of the afternoon and then walked into town and it go really sore.

I reckon duw to the fact that it has been so slow to heal, I am probably looking at surgery :(  It is currently Sunday evening and I am icing it and keeping it elevated as much as possible.

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Wed 16th Dec

I haven't listened to all of this Eddie Cummings interview yet but there was a really interesting piece when he was talking about fighting against Tanquinho at ADCC,


'As a fan theres that half second..where you're going for the heel hook and putting it in...where you celebrate a little bit in your head or you're like 'wow' I got the position I wanted and there is no place in your mind when you're competing against world class athletes / elite competition for anything other than strategic thought or an empty mind'. 

I was watching this too (Rafa Mendes, Collar and Sleeve Guard) and at 7:12 it showed a solution to a problem I was having when I wouldnt get the opponents elbow away from his hip (push on the knee) - this happened me yesterday rolling with J...

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Tue 15th

ECJJA , going through a bit of a funk, feel sluggish, think the left knee is still playing on my mind a bit.

We did a lot of  and then drilled 2 back takes

1. From front headlock position - pull partner forward and pivot to harness position, then switch knees and pull him onto his side / on you to take back

2. As above but as you try to pull opponent onto you, he bases strong and rolls the other way -> 'chop' top hook in first as you roll with him, and roll through to take back.

* Darragh was then talking about as you take the back, that is the best time to go for a finish (choke or bow and arrow) - while the opponent is worried about defending the hooks (his hands will be down).

We then drilled going for a finishing hold as soon as we took the back.

Darragh went more into this -> if you have the harness, think about the choke / finish, regardless of if the hooks are in or not. For instance, when I was drilling with Adam, I had the harness and he was sitting up (I was crouching behind him) looking to step one hook in but he was defending - I should have gone for the choke to distract him and then go for the hook.

When rolling with Darragh I made a few sloppy mistakes - I rolled into turtle to defend and went to grab his leg (grabbed in between his legs and he trapped my arm in a crucifix - I have to stop doing this!! or at least grab the outside of his thigh so he can't trap my arm). On the upside he said my arm bar defence was v good - little consolation.

Also, I have to work on when he stands up in my 50/50 - he stands up very early as I am trying to establish the guard - I need to be faster in pushing into his hips to keep him grounded or bail on it earlier - maybe into kiss of the dragon sweep??

Harness -> side control -> harness stops opponent sitting up onto you, come up onto your elbow , push opponent away

Mon 14th

Trained in ECJJA Bray, did 6 x 6 min rounds. Felt rusty as hell :( Knee was slow and clunky, just wasn't at the races and felt tired - I was tired driving to the gym and didn't sleep much all weekend, so maybe it was that. I will put this session in the 'at least I turned up' category.

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Sat 12th

trained with jason

A. Bench 5 x 5 (w/ slingshot) 85kg

B1. DB Shoulder Press 3 x 10; 17.5kg dbs
B2. Pendlay Row 3 x 10 60,70,70kg

C1. Knee Raises 3 x 10
C2. Ab Rollouts 3 x 10

D1. EZ bar curls 3 x 10 30kg + bar
D2. Band Pushdowns 3 x 20
D3. Tricep Kickbacks 3 x 10/10; 10kg.10kg. 8kg

Fri 11th

Just messed around and did a bit of hypertrophy work in a 30min window...

A. DB Bench 4 x 10; 2min rest  27.5kg dbs

B. Wide grip pullups 3 x 8; 2min rest

C1. DB Row 3 x10/10; 20kg
C2. Band facepulls 3 x 12

D. DB Curls 2 x 12; 10kg dbs

Wed 9th - Thu 10th

Flew to Birmingham and trained with Norbi

The first session we did looked at foot locks from 50/50 - just really focusing on the finishes. Everything is fairly on point, just looking to clean up a few things.

We looked at the cross footlock when the opponent defends by crossing his legs - post feet on floor,stick backside in air (face the floor) and then turn back in to finish foot lock, if the heel pops out it is a heel hook, but the ref won't see.

In 50/50, placing the soles of the feet on the opponents hips and pushing into him is really good for preventing him to turn to the outside to stand up (I need to get the feet here quickly to prevent my opponents from getting anywhere near standing up).

If opponent does turn to outside, get heel hook grip and as you fall towards his trapped foot, twist/crunch your shoulder towards your hip and finish the footlock (pulling your arms across your body)

On the estima lock, the inital grip, inside of elbow to his heel (to prevent him spinning out)

On the calf slicer when the opponent triangles legs - make sure opponents instep of triangled foot is near the achilles of his top leg - also the detail I was missing is to get a heel hook grip and lean back across opponent.

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Tue 8th - ECJJA

I wasn't sure about this session as the knee wasn't great - we drilled some takedowns (of course!) the knee was a bit sore but held up. A little sore afterwards but no worse than before I went in.

We did ten minutes drilling 2 takedowns.

You have opponents collar (when going for takedown, really hang out of their collar)

Takedown 1 -> when opponent has foot forward on same side you have his collar - drop down to knees under and at a right angle to him, under hook his leg with free arm, keep head up -> fireman's carry / throw.

Takedown 2 -> when opponent has foot forward on opposite side to where you have his collar, drop the same knee down first and hook around his far leg (hang out of his collar) go to single leg

After the takedown drills we looked at 2 techniques to attack the back.

1. Get harness and look to isolate opponents near arm with your legs (if he is a low level guy he will probably grab your leg and make this easier). If opponent rolls, go with it, keep your chest behind his back so he cant get it to the floor, make sure you triangle arm towards his legs - use legs to get armbar (flare out knee and extend hips) or else go for choke, one handed and pull elbow in to finish (sharper choke with the blade of the forearm)

2. If opponent rolls ad you can't get his arm with your legs, keep tight harness and sprawl on belly (like warmup drills) come up tight behind opponent and step bottom hook on floor or try to trap his arm and then get second hook in.

After this we did rounds of positional sparring - as it went on I was getting good success with attacking the back and getting the hooks in - once or twice I made the mistake of getting too high up on the opponents back and he tripod up to escape. I enjoyed this drill as I am weak attacking the back.

I had a round with Patch that went well, I managed to get single leg x from a few angles and get a double straight footlock, I got a single leg x sweep and came up on top (left knee felt ok doing this) and managed to fight some scrambles , knee shield pass, stay heavy and stay on top.

I also rolled with S and had a bit more success with the open guard and getting single leg x position once or twice. I was just happy the knee felt OK and didn't flair up afterwards.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Mon 7th

A. Bench -> build to heavy 5 reps 70/80/85kg x 3
B. Blackburns x 2 rounds 2.5kg plates
C. Walking Lunge 3 x 10/10 20kg dbs
C1. DB Row 3 x 12/12 20kg dbs
C2. KB Shrugs 3 x 12 32kg kbs
D1. Knee Raises 3 x 10
D2. Plate Russian Twist 2 x 10/10 15kg

* I felt a bit tired this morning and took everything a bit light - bailed on the 4th and 5th rep of the bench as I felt my back a tiny bit (nothing afterwards) then at one point I stumbled on a bench walking by and my left knee did a big pop and hasn't been right all day. It feels like the mensicus, a low level pain and a little unstable if I have my foot flush on the floor and turn my knee. I am nervous about it...

Fri 4th / Sat 5th

I did some light upper body rep stuff - Christmas party on Sat night as well (a fair amount of alcohol consumed!) Sunday was a write off!

Friday, 4 December 2015

Thu 3rd Dec

I opted against training in East Coast today. Left me feeling annoyed but my left knee doesn't feel right - it is not sore as such but something feels funky in there - I think it happened after Jesse sprawled on my shin in training in Tuesday and there was a load popping noise (no pain though).

I have been ignoring sleep and diet too  - so on a bit of a downward spiral, need to turn it around!

S&C evening

A. Barbell Split Squat 4 x 8/8; 2 min rest 40, 50, 55, 57.5kg
B1. GHR 4 x 6
B2. DB Split Squat 3 x 8/8 (left leg only) 10kg dbs 
C1. Goodmorning 3 x 10 20, 30, 30kg
C2. Knee Raises 3 x 10
D. Plate Russian Twist 2 x 10/10 15kg

Left knee felt a bit funny afterwards - especially later in the evening, not sure if it had as much to do with the drop in temperature either. 

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Just a note to jot down - whenever I am passing against D or S, knee slice with right knee towards their right, I always get pushed forward, I need better posture when passing (like when Roli was over and he was talking about it, Beastie Boys style) and like Norbi, keep shin / weight on opponent, watch head too far forward so that they can kick me over them. Need to explore this more....
Tue 1st - ECJJA

We did 8min blocks of drills - initially starting in closed guard, standing, opening, passing, mounting, opponent sweeps and repeats cycle. Then doing the same from side control.

Darragh was saying he did this in the States with Julian and how it is similar to a boxer and pad man, as your technique improves, go faster - obviously partner needs to give back realistic resistance.

I had a few rounds, both M and S bashed me. I was trying not to resort to strength or anything 50/50 (not that it would have helped!) but I just wasn't at the races at all. With S my passing was non existent, I really need to work on passing a lot more. When I was swept and trying to go to single leg x, I thought I had it but after I thought I countered his foot work, he put all of his weight towards the side I was trying to put my foot on his hip, which seemed to kill my guard and smash me knees together.

Afterwards I asked about this and he was saying to get a cross collar grip and any time I feel my knees coming together - do all I can to keep them away - use the cross collar grip to keep opponents head away, hip back out and reset, even pulling single leg x again after the retreat. 

He was saying that I was throwing everything into trying to get that single leg x but I need to be more crafty. The likes of D has developed those abductors over time doing this movement and is strong in these positions too.

Rolling with D I felt I did ok defending but again when I end up in no mans lad, looking for some sort of RDLR guard, he always closes the distance and smashes me - I should retreat and try to force him to my right side. He also got me with the kimura trap when I was in sit up guard - I need to be aware of the arm behind me.

So and so session, I was happy to get the tough rounds in but I just feel like I am a few steps behind the top guys, its a bit frustrating but it is what it is. I have 8 weeks to work hard and improve, if I can do well against these guys, competitions will be easy.

Mon 30th


A. Barbell Row 20 x 10reps (1st 5 = 45kg, 2nd = 50, 3rd = 55, 4th=60kg)
B. Accumulate 50 chins / pullups
C. DB Curls 5/10/15 (heavy/med/light) + 10 ez bar curls x 2 rounds

* fun session but at about 1am I woke up with both forearms going into spasm! I need to up water intake and get more sleep, still feeling a bit burned out