Tue 15th
ECJJA , going through a bit of a funk, feel sluggish, think the left knee is still playing on my mind a bit.
We did a lot of and then drilled 2 back takes
1. From front headlock position - pull partner forward and pivot to harness position, then switch knees and pull him onto his side / on you to take back
2. As above but as you try to pull opponent onto you, he bases strong and rolls the other way -> 'chop' top hook in first as you roll with him, and roll through to take back.
* Darragh was then talking about as you take the back, that is the best time to go for a finish (choke or bow and arrow) - while the opponent is worried about defending the hooks (his hands will be down).
We then drilled going for a finishing hold as soon as we took the back.
Darragh went more into this -> if you have the harness, think about the choke / finish, regardless of if the hooks are in or not. For instance, when I was drilling with Adam, I had the harness and he was sitting up (I was crouching behind him) looking to step one hook in but he was defending - I should have gone for the choke to distract him and then go for the hook.
When rolling with Darragh I made a few sloppy mistakes - I rolled into turtle to defend and went to grab his leg (grabbed in between his legs and he trapped my arm in a crucifix - I have to stop doing this!! or at least grab the outside of his thigh so he can't trap my arm). On the upside he said my arm bar defence was v good - little consolation.
Also, I have to work on when he stands up in my 50/50 - he stands up very early as I am trying to establish the guard - I need to be faster in pushing into his hips to keep him grounded or bail on it earlier - maybe into kiss of the dragon sweep??
Harness -> side control -> harness stops opponent sitting up onto you, come up onto your elbow , push opponent away
Mon 14th
Trained in ECJJA Bray, did 6 x 6 min rounds. Felt rusty as hell :( Knee was slow and clunky, just wasn't at the races and felt tired - I was tired driving to the gym and didn't sleep much all weekend, so maybe it was that. I will put this session in the 'at least I turned up' category.
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