Wed 24th
Rested - no stretching, want to give the knee a day or two complete rest. I iced it earlier and got some relief albeit briefly.
Tue 23rd
This was one of those days that my knee became a bit cranky but I couldn't tell how bad it was - I probably shouldn't have trained but I did...
I stretched am, everything felt ok, did yoga at home and there was some positions that required deep knee flexion - sitting deep into a squat and rolling back onto the floor. Felt ok at the time but a while later I could feel that point medially that I would guess is the meniscus and then the 'clunking' started up again, I haven't been aware of these sensations for a couple of weeks :(
A. Front Squat 4 x 10 80kg
B. RDL 4 x 8 80kg
C. Split Squat 3 x 8/8 (+2 sets of 10 on left leg)
D. GHR 3 x 10
* I felt some clunking in left knee going deep on front squats but was ok on split squats - right quad in particular felt a little tight.
Maybe I reintroduced double leg work too soon?? Tried the trampoline but left knee felt sore so I stopped.
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