Monday, 16 January 2012

Monday 16th - W7D1


1. BB hang power snatch - 8x1
50/55 - bad landing/55 just bad/ 50/50/52.5/52.5/55kg - just poor all round, was stronger on these in the complex last week, not sure why. Really need to break this movement down and work at it.

2. overhead squat - 4x3 - 60/65/70/75x2 - last set was a joint PR, I found as I was going heavier, the collar to collar width grip was working against me. Need to go lighter and focus on bringing my grip a little closer as I feel this is the major limiting factor.

3. front squat - 8x2 - 100/105/110/115/120/125/125/130kg - the 125's are a rep pr and the 130 is a pr, felt strong on these. Made myself more solid on my set up - really getting the bar on my neck and elbows high, staying tight taking the bar out of the rack, felt good on these today

4a. DB reverse lunge - 3x6/6 25s
4b. DB single leg rdl - 3x6/6 25s

5a. evil wheel (rollouts) use ab wheel or suspension trainer - 3x10 perform from knees or feet if possible
5b. natural ghr - 3x5  didnt have anyone to hold my ankles :(

6. single leg squats - 3x8/8 - standing on 20+10 plate to box

So and so session, very happy with the front squats but the power snatches and ohs need a lot of work, I just dont touch base with these movements enough!

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