Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Mon 31st

Row 30mins (recovery pace)
EMOM for 5 mins
5 pullups
5 dips
5 pushups

Sat 28th 

AM - before flying home, rolled with Mike and 2 of his friends, just did rounds

Fri 27th

Filmed Half Guard DVD with Lucas Leite! about 5 - 6 hours of demoing movements then around 11pm did a 1 hour private and rolling with Mike and Lucas. Great fun but wrecked by the end of the day!

A photo posted by David McConkey (@david_mcconkey) on

Thu 26th 

Rolled in the AM with Mike and Mau Mau

PM - Travis Steven's class - 1hour 15mins, did 30mins of 5min rounds / 40sec rest

A photo posted by David McConkey (@david_mcconkey) on

Wed 25th

Travelled to Boston, no training today!

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Tue 24th 

Absolutely manic day getting ready for Boston, didn't get much done!

Had 20mins to do the following

A1. RDL 4 x 8; 80,90,90,90
A2. DB Split Squat 4 x 8/8; 10,12.5,12.5,12.5

then between classes later

500m ski - 1'35.9

Monday, 23 January 2017

Mon 23rd 


Trained with JB

warmup - 2k ski erg 7'50.2

+ then +

10mins assaultbike 129 cals

+then +

50 Ring chins
50 Dips
50 Pushups

Saturday, 21 January 2017

Fri 20th 


* A LOT of rushing around with errands today, felt exhausted - been the theme of the week really!! 

A. Weighted Chins 10 x 3reps (lost count on sets, think I did 9!) 12.5,15,15,20,20,22.5,22.5,25,25kg
B. DB Bench 5 x 10 27.5, 27.5, 30, 30, 30kg dbs
C. Barbell Row 4 x 12 50kg

Thu 19th

AM - East Coast, took the intro class and then went through some half guard with the 12 class and did 4 rounds - knee 'popped' got 'clunky' as I stood up so I stopped. Back of the knee - popliteus? feels a bit off, iced the knee that evening...

A photo posted by David McConkey (@david_mcconkey) on

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Wed 18th


8 rounds of
20cals skierg
20cals assaultbike
20cals row

* was meant to be 10 rounds but had a PT client - 41'00mins

(ski erg was around 1'10 - 1'20, bike sub 1'30, row around 1min)


Ring Dips / Plank Band Rows
* farmers walk length of gym between each rung 45kg dbs

Tue 17th 

AM - East Coast, was feeling pretty wiped, coached intro class, did nogi and 2 rounds then called it a day.

Mon 16th 

5k skierg 20'43
* damper 9, should have had it slightly lower
5 x 1-2-3-4-5 fatgripz pullup ladder (3 sets pullups, 2 sets chins)

A photo posted by David McConkey (@david_mcconkey) on

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Sun 15th 


Sat 14th 

East Coast - Open mat

only did 4 rounds, was v tired going into training. For the most part felt ok during rounds but just tired from the week. Sleep and food were poor the last 24 hours. 

Fri 13th


15 rounds of 30sec skierg / 90 sec rest
* in each 90sec break perform 1 burpee and add 1 rep each round

Thu 12th 

East Coast - AM
tough positional sparring, guys getting ready for Euros.

Felt pretty beaten up afterwards so did some low intensity skierg, row and bike in the gym that evening 

Wed 11th - SDSC (with Austin and Caroline)

block 1
500m skierg / 5 KB Swings (32kg)
400m skierg / 10 KB Swings
300m skierg / 15 KB Swings
200m skierg / 20 KB Swings
100m skierg / 25 KB Swings

block 2
50cals assaultbike / 5 Dips
40cals assaultbike / 10 Dips
30cals assaultbike / 15 Dips
20 cals assaultbike / 20 Dips
10 cals assaultbike / 25 Dips

block 3
500m Row / 5 Situps (10kg)
400m Row / 10 Situps (10kg)
300m Row / 15 Situps (10kg)
200m Row / 20 Situps (10kg)
100m Row / 25 Situps (10kg)

Tue 12th

East Coast - AM

Monday, 9 January 2017

Mon 9th Jan

5k Skierg - 21'38
Farmers Holds , work rest -> 1:1
45kg dbs -> 30/25/20sec dropped to 32kg kbs -> 40/40sec

3+ hours later did 500m Ski 1'38.8

A photo posted by David McConkey (@david_mcconkey) on

Sat 7th

Am - East Coast 5 rounds (6mins) felt tired so called it a day after about an hour.


A1. DB Row 5 x 10/10 25kg
A2. DB Pullover 5 x 10 25kg
A3. KB Shrugs 5 x 10 32kg kbs 

B. Ski 100m sprint x 3

C. DB Incline Curls 3 x 10/10 12.5kgs 
D. Spider Curls 2 x 10/10 10kgs

Friday, 6 January 2017

Fri 6th Jan


2k Skierg / 1k Skierg / 500m Skierg
Work : Rest -> 1:1
50 chins (sets of 5)
50 pushups (25,15,10)

8'00.8 / 3'45.6 / 1'44.8 - less than stellar times but my first 2k, still sussing out the technique but enjoying it! 

Thu 5th

AM - East Coast

Pm - messed around with some sprints on the skierg - just cant get the split below 1'25. Could only get to 17.9 today :(

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Wed 4th

AM - Austin and Lindsey came down to SDSC

15 Goblet Squats + 3min Row
3min rest
15 Goblet Squats + 2min Row
2min rest
15 Goblet Squats + 1min Row

15 KB Swings + 3min Assault Bike
3min rest
15 KB Swings + 2min Assault Bike
2min rest
15 KB Swings + 1min Assault Bike

15 Dips + 3min Row
3min rest
15 Dips + 2min Row
2min rest
15 Dips + 1min Row


tried a 1min row 364 , not great, slow start.

100m Ski - 17.9

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Tue 3rd Jan

AM - East Coast (Gi) drills and 4 x 6 min rounds.

PM - just jumped on the ski erg for 2 x 100m sprints 17.9 , 17.8 PR

A current 100m PR, not saying much. Aim is to get top ten in the world 30-39 year olds by December 31 2017 👀

A photo posted by David McConkey (@david_mcconkey) on

Sunday, 1 January 2017

Dec 31st - SDSC

Wanted to do something rough before New Years and to see 2016 off!

20cals -> 1 cal
Skierg / Assaultbike / Rowing machine

62'28! - thought I would be sub 40 mins!! lol

Tough but enjoyed it, could certainly transition faster - ski was around a 2min split (left shoulder was hurting), bike around 62rpm and row was 1 stroke per cal