Thursday, 9 November 2017

Thu 2nd - Wed 8th Nov - New York 

Fri 3rd

MGA - Gi 12.30 - 13.30
Dan Covel Nogi 19.30

Sat 4th

Dan Covel - Open Mat

Sun 5th


Mon 6th

MGA - Gi
Dan Covel - Gi

Tue 7th

Dan Covel - Private and then open mat Nogi

Wed 8th 

MGA - Nogi

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Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Tue 31st 


PM - SDSC 4k ski erg r20

Mon 30th 

A. Skierg - 30r20 (ish) had some spotting duties half way through

B. Static holds 3 x 1min / 1min rest 32kg kbs

C. cool down 2k ski

Sun 29th

Ski erg

8 x 1k; 2min rest

tried to hold a 2:00 split, felt like shit - crap diet the previous 24hours

Sat 28th 

noon - ECJJA open mat

Fri 27th 

noon - SDSC drills, half guard defence with Mossy

pm - SDSC

skierg 1k time trial -> 3'28.5 PR

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Thu 26th

Skierg 4 x 1250m; 2min rest

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Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Haven't been updating this much (standard!). I competed in the London Open (gi only) and lost my first match, got arm barred and the right elbow flared up a bit again. Sleep has been shocking , food was good for a bit but fell off the wayside a bit around the competition (or just afterwards), need to keep the calories up with the amount of training going on at the moment.

Tue 24th 

gi - ECJJA , tough rounds  all brown belts, tired after but good session

Mon 23rd 

Greg Hammond and Alex Dunne called in from Concept2 and we did a workout, really great experience having them in the place

Had a go of the bikeerg , I cant remember the damper setting (I think midway) and it was 1 min for distance - 683m , tough!

Then Jason, Alex, Greg and myself did 10 rounds of :

250m ski
slam ball bear hug carry, 1 goes one rests (first round was 163, dropped off and then at the end got 160m)

Sat 21st 

ECJJA - Open mat, gi

Fri 20th

Did a little bit of drills with Mossy in SDSC

Thu 19th 

ECJJA - nogi

Tue 18th 

ECJJA - gi

Got 4 stripes on the brown belt today, shocked after the competition the past weekend! 

Few stripes on the belt today. . I really did not see this coming - especially after last Saturday, I thought I might have been getting demoted 😂
. For me it has never been about promotions, just trying to improve everytime I get on the mats. . To say it was difficult changing teams at a ‘higher rank' would be an understatement. When I moved a couple of years ago I had a lot of other things going on in my life and there were many days I got as far as Monkstown and turned away and went home. When I did decide to go it was usually a baptism of fire and I got battered. I’m not sure what made me keep doing back. . Luckily I pushed through and I am reaping the benefits now. I absolutely love the feeling of being challenged constantly and having such a high level around me each time I step on the mats. I still get battered a lot of the time but I know those sessions are making me better. . As I said in a previous post, I may not have the medals to show for it but if I can demonstrate anything, just keep going! A lot of improving still to do but that is the challenge and fun of it for me. . Huge thank you to @darraghoconaill for letting me come on board, especially at a time when I needed it and treating me like one of the team and to all of my training partners @ecjja for making me feel every bit the age I am 😂 . Cant wait for the next training session!

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Sunday, 8 October 2017

Sun 8th 

ECJJA - open mat , a few rounds of gi, felt good, rib held up ok...

Sat 7th 

did a quick workout with Jason,  goes one rests...

3 rounds of
250m skierg
10 ground to over shoulder slamball 50kg

Fri 6th 

SDSC, did a small bit with Aidan....

A. RDL 4 x 6 90,100,110,110kg
B. Bench build up to heavy 5 82.5 (did 80 and 70kg prior)
C. Preacher Curls 3 x 12 20kg + ezcurl bar 

Thu 5th 

ECJJA - nogi

Wed 4th 

A. Pushup 3 x 'max'; 3min rest 40/26/18
B1. DB Row 3 x 12/12; 20sec rest 15/17.5/20/20kg - rib felt ok
B2. Facepulls 3 x 12; 90sec rest
C. DB Lat Raise 3 x 12; 1min rest 6kgs
D. EZ bar curls with fat gripz 3 x 12; 1min rest 20kg + bar
E. Passive hang 2 x 30sec

Tue 3rd 

ECJJA - nogi

Sun 1st 

A. Mech Adv DB Bench 2 x 7.7.max 20kg (15 , 12 last sets) 
B. Barbell Row 4 x 12 50kg
C. Faecpulls 3 x 12
D1. Powerwheel walks x 3
D2. Barbell Curls 3 x 25

Monday, 25 September 2017

Sun 24th 

Arm session in SDSC with Jason

Sat 23rd 

no training - exhausted all weekend and the rib doesn't feel great

Fri 22nd 

Noon - some drills with Mossy in the gi (45mins)

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PM - Assaultbike 3 x 5mins/ 5mins rest
1st 60rpm / 66 cals
2nd 60/64
3rd 60/64

Thu 21st 

Nogi - ECJJA 4 x 10min rounds , tough work !

Still not feeling sharp yet, fitness isn't great, ten min rounds are a baptism of fire - rib is so and so

Wed 20th

SDSC - drills with mossy 1 hour

Tue 19th 

ECJJA - Nogi 3 x 10min rounds , first session back sparring in about a month, rib felt ok

Mon 18th 

A. RDL @3011, 4 x 6 80,90,90,90
B1. Band Overhead Extensions 4 x 20
B2. EZcurl bar close grip bench 4 x 20 20+bar, 25,25,25
C1. DB Tricep Floor Press 3 x 10 17.5kgs 
C2. Band pullaparts 3 x 20

Friday, 15 September 2017

Fri 14th

2pm - 1 hr light drills with mossy (worked on reverse half guard stuff)

7pm - some weights , quick superset
A1. Barbell Plit Squat 4 x 10(l) / 8 (r) 50,55,55,55
A2. Barbell fatgripz curls 4 x 12

Thu 13th 

midday - went to Alex for the rib also got him to look at my right shoulder - infraspinatus is tight, need to roll on it more

Assaultbike 2 x 7mins; 7mins rest (aerobic)

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Wed 12th

quick session in SDSC

A1. DB Standing Press 3 x 10 17.5kg dbs
A2. Barbell Curls 3 x 10 30kg
B1. DB Lat Raise 3 x 10 6kg
B2. Band Pushdowns 3 x 30
C1. DB Row 3 x 10/10 15kg (left side a little sore on eccentric but improving)
C2. DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10 10kgs

Tue 11th

Did some training in ECJJA (gi) - positional sparring, didn't do training as my rib started acting up a bit

Mon 10th 


Did a 20min emom
1st min - 10cals skierg
2nd min - 5 deadlifts (70 - 90kg)
15mins bike aerobic

* Rib felt OK

Fri 7th

Bike 15mins - at 60min pace...

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Thu 7th

A1. SeateD DB Tricep Overhead Extension 4 x 20 17.5kg db
A2. Ez Curl Bar close grip bench 4 x 20 20kg + bar
B1. DB Tricep Floor Press 4 x 10 (fucked up first set and did 20!) 17.5kg dbs
B2. Pullaparts 4 x 20

then tried some light db rows - 15kg x 10 on bad side (left) rib hurt a little on the eccentric, so I stopped

Wed 6th

Baseline 'test' for the 10 min assaultbike sustain prog

10mins -> 143 cals
AVG RPM 62 / AVG Watts 327

*got to 88 cals at 6mins (almost the 15 per min pace) then started to drop off - I felt as though I could hold 61RPM even if I felt really tired. For a PR I will need to push a bit more at the start and kick again at the end - especially the last minute. 

Sunday, 3 September 2017

Still recovering from the rib injury - getting there, sneezing doesn't hurt as much. Hopefully in another 7 days I can do some drills

Sat 2nd 

A. Band Walks 4 x 10/10
B. Dynamic step ups 3 x 3/3
C. Barbell Split Squats 5/4 x 10/8 50kg (trying to do some extra work on the left side)
D1. GHR 3 x 10
D2. Medball standing figure-8's
E1. Incline Hammer Curls 3 x 12 12.5kg
E2. DB Tricep overhead extensions 3 x 20 17.5kg db 

* I was maybe using too much glutes on the split squat on the left side - for the last set I put more weight on the ball of my foot and got more quads involved.

Fri 1st 

Cant quite remember - some beach muscles - did some ring rows and felt OK - db rows hurt (prone and pulling hurts - maybe alters breathing...)

Thu 31st

Went to Alex

In SDSC I did a couple of peak rpm tests on the bike, rib actually felt ok - could still hit 112rpm

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Mon 27th 

A. Barbell Press - did one set and the elbows were to sore in flexion so moved to seated DB's

A. Seated DB PRess 3 x 12 15kg dbs
B1. GHR 3 x 8
B2. Med Ball Push up 3 x 10/10
B3. Med Bal lfigure 8s 3 x 10
C1. Hammer Curls 3 x 12 12.5kg
C2. DB Tricep Ext 3 x 12 15kg
C3. Swiss Ball stir the pots 3 x 10 each direction

Sat 26th

A. DB Press (2 hands , 1 db) 3 x 15 20kg
B. Medball figure 8 3 x 10
C. Lunge 4 x 10/10 15,15,17.5,17.5kg
D. Med Ball pushups 3 x 10/10

Training is still non existent, the rib is still sore - only in certain positions though but not ready to do any bjj and maybe not for a few weeks :( 

Wed 23rd

Tried some single arm pressing work but going light, still don't feel great and the elbows are still sore / clicky in forced flexion

Tue 22nd

Went to Alex to get the arm looked at and he worked on the rib too - he reckons its na intercoastal muscle...

Sat / Sun / Mon 21st

No training, ribs are not great

Fri 18th 

Training with the lads in the gym and I spazzed out of a mounted position and hurt my ribs (left side again) had to stop the session, was pretty sore for the rest of the day.

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Wed 16th

buy in - skierg 2k 8mins

A. Mech Adv DB Bench (upright / incline / flat) 2 x 7.7.7 25kg
B. Barbell row 3 x 12 50kg
C. Band face pulls + rotation 3 x 8
D1. KB Shrugs 3 x 12 32kg kbs
D2. Incline DB Curls 3 x 12 10kg 

early AM - 45min nogi drills with Mossy

Tue 15th 

ECJJA - nogi (right arm is slowly getting better, still not 100%)

Mon 14th

Row - half marathon. Energy was low but decided last minute to get through this.


Sat 12th

havent trained in a bit so easing back in with some hypertrophy work

A1. DB Bench 3 x 15 25kg
A2. DB Incline Curls 3 x 12 10kg
B1. DB Lat Raise 3 x 12 6kg
B2. Tricep Pushdowns 3 x 20
C1. Banded KB Shrugs 3 x 12 24kg
C2. Hammer Curls 3 x 12 10kg
D1. Rear delt flys 3 x 10 6kg
D2. DB Tricep Extensions 3 x 12 12.5kg

Wed 9th 

SDSC - some nogi drills with Austin and Mossy, still a little off with the arm as well.

Mon 7th 

Dun Laoghaire 10k run - Disaster!! Had some sort of gastro bug, took me 65 mins haha - projectile vomited half way through, not fun!

Friday, 4 August 2017

4th Aug

Did some drills and a 80%ish effort roll for 10mins, good session. Right arm wasn't too sore but no power.

3rd Aug

Noon - ECJJA nogi, guard passing drills and positional sparring. Tried sparring then but elbow was too sore.

PM - SDSC , 5k light row as part of concept2 challenge, elbow ok (lots of flexion is painful!)

2nd Aug 

didnt train

1st Aug 

ECJJA - nogi

PM - SDSC 10 x 500m; 1min rest *start at 2mins and go faster each round

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Aug 1st 

ECJJA - Nogi , some drills and rounds. Right elbow is still bad, but got through it without making things worse (I think!)

July 23rd - 29th 

Trained in NY , didn't compete in the Boston Open in the end as the elbow got too sore

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Tue 11th 

Eastcoast - nogi

Mon 10th 

A. RDL 3 x 6 80,100,100kg

B. Assaultbike 2 x 7mins; rest 7mins

C. Ab rollouts 3 x 10

Monday, 10 July 2017

Sun 9th


Sat 8th

Eastcoast - gi , open mat

Fri 7th

Am - did some drills and a small bit with Mossy and Austin in SDSC


A1. Chins 5 x 5
A2. DB Shoulder Press 5 x 10 15kg dbs
A3. Underhand pullaparts 3 x 15

B. - arms

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Thu 6th 


A1. Split Squats 4 x 6/6 20kg dbs
A2. Press 4 x 10 30,35,35,35kg (elbows didn't feel as cranky today with this)
B1. DB Row 3 x 12/12 25kg (started to feel cranky on the right side on the last set)
B2. Pushdowns 3 x 20 purple band
C. Bike 15 mins sustainable pace - 55rpm avg

AM - no bjj, feeling flat

Wed 5th 

SDSC - One hour of drills (gi) with Mossy

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Tue 4th 

Noon - ECJJA nogi


Assault bike - 15mins , working on 'sustain' model, 15mins at 60min pace - was aiming for 55rpm, was sure I had it but monitor said 54 avg.

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Mon 3rd 

SDSC - just did a small bit, still feeling tired

A1. RDL 4 x 8 90kg
A2. DB Bench 4 x 12 25kg dbs

Sat 1st 

BJJ - East Coast Open Mat

Fri 30th 

Trained BJJ in SDSC with Austin and Mossy. Good session, some drills and then rotating 6 min rounds (3min mini blocks and one person stays on for 6mins off for 3)

Arm session with Neil

Friday, 30 June 2017

Thu 29th

Am - ECJJA nogi, deep half stuff

Wed 28th 


Tue 27th 

AM - ECJJA nogi

Mon 26th 

rest - feeling pretty exhausted at the moment, sleep is shocking as usual and I don't think I gave the skierg half marathon any respect... 

Fri 23rd - Sun 25th 

Paul Schreiner Camp

(4 sessions in total - slept in for the Saturday evening one!!)

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Thu 22nd

East Coast nogi

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Wed 21st 

AM - an hour of light drills with Mossy

PM - Skierg half marathon (21,097m) - 1'32'59

Tue 20th 

Am - no bjj, feeling drained


A1. RDL 4 x 8 80kg
A2. Tricep Band Pushdowns 4 x 20
B1. DB Walking Lunge 4 x 10/10 15kg dbs
B2. Barbell Curls 4 x 10 25kg
C1. GHR 3 x 10
C2. DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10 10kg dbs 

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Sat 17th

Spanish Nationals - had better comps, died in the heat, temperatures peaked at 40 degrees!

Thu 15th 

AM - BJJ East Coast


12 rounds of
30sec skierg / 90sec rest
* every ret perform 1 burpee and add 1 each round
(all ski rounds over 140m)

Tue 13th 

BJJ East coast

memory is sketchy around training as I wasn't tracking things!

Thu 8th 

Airdyne 30mins recovery pace

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Energy levels still aren't great but my sleep is shit at the moment, a lot going on in my head at the minute. I am making a conscious effort to have better meals at the moment too and ave added to 5g doses of Glutamine per day to help with the gut...

Wed 31st 

2k Skierg -> 7'28.1

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Tue 30th

Am - taught beginners class in East Coast and did some positional sparring and drills after. Hardly slept last night, energy low!

Mon 29th 

Sun 28th 

Did a small bit of bjj at the open mat today, numbers were low so I didn't do much

Sat 27th 

East Coast open mat

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Wed 24th 

Didn't train, feeling flat

Tue 23rd 

A. Skierg 5k - 19'48.1
B1. Ab Rollouts 3 x 6
B2. Barbell Curls 3 x 15 20kg

felt terrible on the ski, sweating like crazy (it is warmer than normal) but sleep has been really poor and I'm just on a bit of a downer at the mo, nothing major but just tired and feeling a bit directionless! 

Mon 22nd 

A. Bench Press 3 x 5 82.5kg

B. 30sec ski for distance x 2 178m ? , 181m

Sun 21st 

ECJJA - open mat

Saturday, 20 May 2017

A lot going on in the last month, have been terrible at tracking this!!

Sat 20th - ECJJA Open Mat (5 x 6min rounds)

Fri 19th 

10 rounds of
15 cals ski
15 kb swing
10 pushups
-> 20'32

Thu 18th 

ECJJA - felt flat today, breathing was laboured. Had cereal for breakfast - dairy / wheat a problem??

Wed 17th ??

tue 17th 


Mon 16th

A. Split Squat 4 x 6(r) / 8 (l) 10,10,12.5, 12.5kg dbs
B1. GHR 3 x 10
B2. Active Hang 3 x 30sec
C1. Ab rollouts 3 x 8
C2. Face pulls 3 x 15

Sat 13th 

Row - > marathon 3'15 hours

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Fri 12th

Sun 7th

ECJJA - Open mat

Sat 6th

Sunday, 23 April 2017

I have lost tracking this - training has been going good, getting a lot of mat time in but the knee started to act up a little recently. I probably need to do more maintenance - look at getting back into yoga. My jiujitsu is feeling a little stronger these days, consistency is key! 

Sun Apr 23rd 

ECJJA - open mat , did a 60min round with Mossy! got a few things to work on but felt I could get to my positions ok.

Sat 22nd 

Left knee is off, popliteus?? it feels swollen and hot, like post meniscus tear. It started to act up in Italy a little bit, I'm not sure what I did. I've been icing and doing some decompressing work, need to look into Yoga again!!

Fri 21st


A. RDL 4 x 6 100kg
B. Split Squats 3 x 8/8 15kg dbs
C. Incline Prone Flys 3 x 12 6kg
D1. GHR 3 x 10
D2. Barbell Curls 3 x 10 30kg 

Noon - 1min ski erg -> 350m 

Thu 20th 

ECJJA - nogi

Wed 19th 


Tue 18th 

Noon - ECJJA nogi

PM - SDSC skierg -> 500m 1'20.0

Mon 17th

Sun 16th 

Row - 1 hour 14'094m 

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Fri 14th 

Tested peak RPM on assault bike -> 110RPM

Friday, 7 April 2017

Fri 7th April

took it easy as elbows and shoulders feel beaten up!
A. RDL 3 x 8 90kg
B. GHR 3 x 10
C1. Facepulls 3 x 15
C2. Band Pushdowns 3 x 30

AM - East Coast - did 45 mins with Austin in the gi

Thu 6th

AM - East Coast , open mat nogi rounds

Wed 5th

Monday, 27 March 2017

Mon 27th

Noon - East Coast, drills and a few nogi rounds. Worked on takedowns / pulling guard, need to do more of this!

PM - SDSC , light ski erg to get my 5k in for the day

Sun 26th 

no training, left ribs were at me, just did some rowing (2,500m) skierg (2,500m)

Saturday, 25 March 2017

Sat 25th

Midday - East Coast, lots of 5min Nogi rounds

PM - 5k row

Fri 24th 

5 rounds of
1k ski
10/10 DB Walking Lunge  25kg dbs 

(ski times - 4'01.3 / 4'16.7 / 4'19.6 / 4'20.7 / 4'21.5)

Thu 23rd

noon- East Coast nogi

pm - SDSC 5k ski (in total)

Wed 22nd 

24 Bench Press 50kg
1k row
20 Bench Press 55kg
1k row
16 Bench Press 60kg 
1k row
12 Bench Press 65kg 
1k row
8 Bench Press 70kg
1k row
4 Bench Press 80kg 

Tue 21st 

no east coast (college assignment!!)

ski 5k

Mon 20th 

Did drills with Austin in SDSC then with JB we did a finisher of ...
5 rounds
100m ski
30sec rest
10cals bike
30sec rest


pm - ski 5k

Sun 19th 

Row 5k - 19.59, easy pace

Sat 18th

noon - east coast open mat (nogi)

Friday, 17 March 2017

Fri Mar 17th

Austin popped over and we did an hour of light drills , first time I took the mats out in 2 years!!!

Also did a 1k ski before and after drills, to get the 5k for the day in


Messed around - did a 2k ski, coasted the start but then decided I'd try for a PR, fell a couple of seconds short. Did a 1k about 5-10 mins after and hit a PR but still more in the tank there too.

2k - 7'33.5
1k - 3'36.0

Thu 16th 

Drove to Limerick for a Jake Mackenzie private and seminar. 4 hour round trip but completely worth it! Great to roll with him 11 years later!

Wed 15th 

Had a small window to train so did the following...

10 -> 1 bench press ladder 70kg
500m ski between each rung (all 2:00 or less)
about 32mins in total

Tue 14th

Noon - East Coast - Nogi

PM - SDSC 5k ski , just getting the 5ks in for the Mudseasonmadness challenge

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Mon 13th

SDSC - 5k ski

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Sun 12th

AM -Drills East coast and a few 3 min rounds - hammie was a little tender but ok! Felt a bit rusty on a few sweeps and guard passes but back to it tomrrow!

Sat 11th

PM - SDSC 5k ski light AGAIN!

Fri 10th

PM - SDSC 5k ski light

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Thu 9th

Went to East Coast early to drill with Austin. I didn't warm up and twinged my left glute / hamstring!! I carried on training but slipped on a takedown attempt and my hammie went so I cut the session short and went home to ice it.

PM - SDSC - 5k ski (seated)

Wed 8th

5k Row - right arm is still tender so I took this handy

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Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Tue 7th

Assaultbike 10mins - 145 cals (felt like I could have gone on a bit longer but no higher gears)

Later I did 2k, 2k and then after work 1k ski - all around a 2:15 split, was afraid I would hurt the arm if I went harder.

Mon 6th 

AM - drills with Austin in East Coast, did some technique and then specific drills from half guard, good stuff and got a sweat going. 

PM - Rowed 5k, arm was still sore so I took it slowly

Sun 5th 

SDSC - Ski 5k 19'59.4

Afterwards I was doing some chin up ladders and pulled something in my right bicep at the top of one of the reps, I was thinking some kind of tear but not sure...

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Sat 4th 

London Open Winter Leg

Lost match 5-0 (knee on belly and guard pass) I regained and got to half guard throughout, couldn't capitalise on 2 sweeps. Back to the drawing board. Felt fit and up for the intensity of the match though. Could probably be even more aggressive.

Fri 3rd

Travelled to London

Thu 2nd 

East Coast - got 4 rounds in, was late due to a crash at the Merrion Gates.

Still feeling a bit sick, chesty and out of breath!

PM - SDSC 5 x 1k / 2min rest on skierg