Friday, 30 December 2011

Friday 30th - W4D5

1. BB push press - 3x6 62.6/67.5/72.5kg

2a. chin up - 3x6 10kg
2b. ring push up - 3x8
2c. 1 arm row - 3x8 each side 25kg

3.  shoulder shocker series - 2x10 of each performed as a circuit, rest only as necessary between sets
a. plate front raise 15kg
b. db lateral raise 8kg
c. bb tall muscle snatch bar/25kg
d. recline Y with strap (trx)
            -hold on to strap, lay back, straight arm raise to Y position overhead

4a. 1 arm kb clean and press - 3x6/6 16/20/20kg - hands felt like they were tearing to shit after the first round
4b. bent row - 3x6/6 as above

5. planche and L-sit practice - 5-10 minutes 8ish mins Frog stand

Not the best week - I think the fact I coincided my deload week with Christmas and eating like a pig was probably not as good idea as I initially thought. Back to the serious shit on Monday - can't wait! 

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Thursday 29th - W4D4

1. muscle snatch - 2x5 45kg - not pretty, serious press out on the 5th rep on the 1st set, dunno why I suck so bad at these

2. front squat - 3x6 90kg

3. deadlift - 2x5 130kg - left a little bit in the tank as my back was tight, felt fine after

4a. DB bulgarian split squat w/ rear leg raised - 2x6/6 25kg - heaviest db's I had
4b. KB swing - 2x12 - did 2xkb swing with 2 20's
4c. hanging leg lift - 2x12 - ended up doing weighted overhead sit ups as I had nothign to hang from, not sure if this was the best exercise selection but I was drawing a blank today

5. turkish get ups - 5 minutes alternating hands as needed, focus on controlled quality of movement
started on the 20kg and went to the 24kg - *vids to follow, internet connection is acting up at the moment*

*The computer ate my video with the 24kg kettlbell, I only have the above with 20kg*

This session was a grinder. I went back into the gym in the evening, my stomach has been dodgy the past couple of days and sleep has been shit. It is probably all from crap food, way more bread than I ever normally eat and beer. One of the big tell tale signs is spots - spots at 31, for fuck sake! Thats the line in the sand though, good nights sleep tonight and start responsibly eating ahead of the big week next week.

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Tuesday 27th - W4D2

1. bench press - 3x3 90kg - felt good, definitely getting stronger here

2a. ring row - 3x10 I think I set the rings too high, right inner elbw a bit sore?
2b. db incline press - 2x10 right shoulder was all sorts of sore on the 1st set but eased up

3. shoulder shocker series - 2x10 of each performed as a circuit, rest only as necessary between sets
a. plate front raise 15kg
b. db lateral raise 8kg
c. bb tall muscle snatch bar
d. recline Y with strap (trx)
-hold on to strap, lay back, straight arm raise to Y position overhead

4a. sled drag - light - 5x30 meters 70kg
4b. 1 arm carry - moderate weight - 5x30 meters each hand 24kg kb

Good session, relaxed but decent work done. The 1 arm carries were a first, enjoyed them, wasn't sure on the weight selection though. On the right hand it was comfortable but on the left hand my right QL (which has been really stiff lately) was really firing, think Ill bring more of these in going forward after this cycle.

Monday, 26 December 2011

Monday 26th - W4D1

- low intensity week

1. 1 arm KB/DB snatch - 3x10/10 16kg/20kg/20kg

2. box squat - 3x3 - 120kg

.3 deadlift - 3x2 @ 65% 130/130/140kg

4a. lunge - 2x8/8 30kgs
4b. swing - 2x12 32kg

5. plank - 3x45 seconds

I'm still not feeling the hammies as much as I think I should on the box squats, I still think the quads are kicking in first on the way up. I was looking at a Louis Simmons vid and he was explaining how the hammies and glutes should kick in first coming up off the box. Back was also quite tired today.

The Deadlift was grand - 130 was about 65& of my max single but after the shit deadlifts during the week, I just did 1 set of 140 to get used to slightly heavier weights. 

The 30kg dumbells actually felt quite comfortable on the lunges.

Friday, 23 December 2011

Friday 22nd - W3D5


1. Push Press 6 x 6 62.5/65/65/67.5/70/72.5kg - a bit wobbly but the last set was probably one of the best. still have that 'muted hip' going on

2a. Chins 4 x 6 10kg
2b. Ring Push Ups 4 x 10 (feet on 18" box) - should have but a weight on my back, this was like a rest
2c. 1arm Dumbell Row 4 x 10 25kg

3a. Plate Front Raise 3 x 10 10kg
3b. Lat Raise 3 x 10 8kgs
3c. Tall Muscle Snatch 3 x 10 barbell
3d. Ring Y rows 3 x 10

4a. 1arm KB Clean and Press 3 x 8/8 16kg - did one rep on the 20 and couldnt press it out, arms like lead!!
4b. Renegade Row 3 x 6/6 10kg

Tough week - nearly got derailed with the lack of calories and poor sleep. Money stress etc. that is the one thing that completely fucks my sleep up. Yesterday was a battle to get through it but happy I did in the end. Looking forward to a deload week next week and just fine tuning a few lifestyle choices so I can stay healthy physically and starting 2012 with a determination to be the best I can possibly be.

Gratuitous back shot - need bigger arms!!
End of the workout, could hardly smile, nevemind hold the kettlebells

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Thursday 21st - W3D4

1. Muscle Snatch 4 x 5 45/45/47.5/47.5kg - slowly getting better at these

2. Front Squat 6 x 6 90/100/100/102.5kg x 5/92.5/100 x 5

3. Deadlift 4 x 6 125/140 x 5/140 x 4/125

4a. DB Bulgarian Split Squat 4 x 6/6 30kg db's
4b. KB Swing 4 x 12 32kg
4c. Leg Raises 4 x 12

5. Squat Jumps x 10 into sprints 5rounds - legs like jelly at this stage

the next set felt like shit but looked better on the vid. In person the 6th rep felt like too much of an ask, on the vid it looked like it would have been comfortable.

Interesting session. I think the thought of this one was giving me nightmares. Prep has been all shit. Probably under eating this week, sleep was terrible last night. I knew it was gonna be a grinder going into it. The front squats were ok. When I messed up on the 102.5 - only doing 5, it felt like shit, but the vid looked a lot better than it felt. Really need to be mentally stronger - I guess this is payback for always working with 3-5reps.

The deadlift was a disaster. The first set was comfortable but again, the 5th rep on the next set was terrible. I was really running on fumes here. The next couple of sets were shit. I dropped to 125kg to just put 6 reps in the bank, this was comfortable.

The 30kgs on the split squats were the heaviest I could have gone without technique going to shit.

Tough, tough session. Disappointed with the deadlifts, but like I said, the build up to this session was sub optimal.

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Wednesday 21st - W3D3


Jiu Jitsu around an hour, including 6 x 6min rounds sparring.

First time rolling in about a month, felt STRONG. It will be tough to keep the S&C program going full tilt and get much more than 1 hard BJJ session per week (+ work!). I might try and get the Wednesdays in at the moment, also thinking about the Northern Irish Open on the 15th of January.

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Tuesday 20th - W3D2

1. Mutli Directional Med Ball Throw - 30 reps 8lb ball

2a. Bench Press 8 x 3 90/90/90/90/90/92.5/92.5/92.5kg - felt strong on the bench this week
2b. Plyo Push Ups 8 x 3

3a. Inverted Row 4 x 10
3b. DB Incline Press 3 x 10 25kg - failed on the last rep of the last set

4a. Plate Front Raise 3 x 10 10/10/10kg
4b. DB Lat Raise 3 x 1 8kg/8kg/6kg - still challenging :(
4c. BB Tall Muscle Snatch 3 x 10
4d. Recline Y Rows 3 x 10

5a. Heavy Sled Drag x 6 100kg - I thought I did 100 last week but think it was 80
5b. Side Plank 30 sec each side x 6 (3 each side) - didnt do the side planks as it was pissing down rain and I did one plank in a puddle and that was the end of it. Took 30 second breaks and the sled drag was about 100m

Good session in the end, bench is definitely getting stronger. Shoulders still seem to be weak - couldnt even get teh 3 sets of lat raises with 8kgs!!!

Monday, 19 December 2011

Monday 19th - W3D1


1. Muscle Snatch + OHS 3 x 5 45/47.5/47.5kg - last set not great, muscle snatch is the limiting factor here, ohs was fine.

2. Box Squat 8 x 3
100/120/120/125/125/130/132.5/132.5 - fucked up first rep here so did 4 in the end

3. Double Kettlebell Swings 5 x 10  meant to do 8reps but did 10 as all I had was 20kg bells

4. Walking Lunge 4 x 10/10 30kg db's

5a. Leg Raises 3 x 12
5b. Superman Plank 3 x 30sec

Good session but took a little longer to get through than I had planned

Last set of muscle snatch + ohs. Im weak on the muscle snatch, the ohs felt fine but the snatch was the limiting factor. 

Box squat, last set. More like a back squat than anything else. need to get more glutes involved and stay more upright, better than last week though!

Just a form check on the double kb swing, the 2 20's was the heaviest pair I had access to.

Friday, 16 December 2011

Friday 16th - W2D5


1. Push Press 4 x 6 60/65/70/70kg

2a. Chins 3 x 8 10kg/10kg x 5/3 bw/bw x 8
2b. Ring Push Ups 3 x 12 (feet on 18" box)
2c. 1arm Dumbell Row x 12/10/10 25kg

3a. Plate Front Raise 3 x 10 10kg
3b. Lat Raise 3 x 10 6kgs
3c. Tall Muscle Snatch 3 x 10 barbell
3d. Ring Y rows 3 x 10

* shit time keeping - had to take a class here (messed around with KB clean and press' while folks were resting between sets), lots of small sets... after class I continued...

4. 1arm KB Clean and Press 3 x 8/8 20kg

5. Planche Pracitce - ended up being frog stands... I suck at these.

End of week 2. Feeling good. The focus of these sessions is keeping my head sane with all the chaos in work at the moment. Back is just tired but holding up and right shoulder isnt giving me much grief. Just need to work on foam rolling and mobility work over the weekend, all good.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Thursday 15th - W2D4

1. Muscle Snatch 3 x 5 45/45/47.5kg - last set not pretty, left side trailing a little

2. Front Squat 4 x 6 90/100/100/100kg

3. Deadlift 3 x 5 125/135/150kg

4a. DB Bulgarian Split Squat 3 x 8/8 30kg db's
4b. KB Swing 3 x 10 32kg
4c. Leg Raises 3 x 12 used a roman chair, still not up to 3 x 12 hanging leg raises yet

5. Squat Jumps x 10 into sprints 5rounds

Good session today. Took it easy on the running at the end, jarred my knee a little on the hill sprints yesterday and it was a bit achey. Happy with the front squats weight wise, not happy I didnt have my lifting shoes. Back is feeling ok this evening, all good!

Looks like my ankles are rolling in, flat feet and chuck taylors arent a good mix! Happy enough to move the 100kg at that speed. (Thoracic mobility looks a bit poor, dunno when that started!)

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Wednesday 14th - W2D3


Hill sprints x 10. Each sprint took approx 20 seconds. Took about a minute rest.

Jogged over to the Nature Park on the other side of the beach. Weather was freezing, the most uncomfortable thing was my big ears freezing by the 6th run. Definitely wearing a beanie next time.

The view from the top of the hill

Dublin Bay, some snow on the mountains, cold!

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Tuesday 13th - W2D2

1. Mutli Directional Med Ball Throw - 30 reps 8lb ball

2a. Bench Press 4 x 4 85/90/92.5/92.5kg - technique not too great on the 92.5 but happy to move it
2b. Plyo Push Ups 4 x 4

3a. Inverted Row 4 x 10
3b. DB Incline Press 3 x 10 20/22.5/22.5kg - 25s next time

4a. Plat EFront Raise 3 x 10 15/15/10kg - 15 was a struggle!
4b. DB Lat Raise 3 x 1 6kg - still challenging :(
4c. BB Tall Muscle Snatch 3 x 10
4d. Recline Y Rows 3 x 10

5a. Heavy Sled Drag x 6 100kg - could still go heavier here
5b. Side Plank 30 sec each side x 6 (3 each side)

Feeling good today. Busy day but energy levels were good. Session did seem to drag on a little though.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Monday 12th - W2D1

1. Muscle Snatch 3 x 5 45kg

2. Box Squat 4 x 4 (18inch box) 90/100/110/120kg

3. Double KB Swings 4 x 8 20's *heaviest pair I had access to (did 10reps on each set)

4. Walking Lunge 3 x 8/8 30kg db's

5a. Roman Chair leg raises (no access to bar) 3 x 12
5b. Superman plank 3 x 30sec

Box squat was a lot different from last week. I think last weeks box was 16inches, today was 18. I honestly thought I was hitting parallel but the vid I took shows I was a little over. Maybe hyperextended my back a little too much on a few reps as well, - still a work in progress!

The box was too high, should have been about 16inches (this was 18). I feel like a fraud now, hopefully I will be able to sleep tomight with the guilt!

Friday, 9 December 2011

Friday 9th - W1D5


1. Push Press 4 x 6 60/60/65/67.5kg

2a. Chins 4 x 6 10kg/10kg/10kg/bw
2b. Ring Push Ups 4 x 10 bw/raised feet/10kg plate/bw
2c. 1arm Row 4 x 8-12 25kg x 12/10/8/8

3a. Plate Front Raise 3 x 10 10kg
3b. DB Lat Raise 3 x 10 6kg
3c. BB Tall Muscle Snatch 3 x 10 bb
3d. Recline Y Ring Rows 3 x 10

4. Planche Practice 8 x 8 seconds

Feeling a bit tired and tight in my hammies and lower back from yesterday. The shoulders are still weak, 6kg lat raise is pathetic! I improvised with a press stand on top of two benches for a chin up bar and it worked well.

Happy to get through the week in one piece - its been a while since I have been as focused on my own training. Im enjoying it and its keeping me focused in work too - strong body, strong mind!

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Thursday 8th - W1D4


1. Muscle Snatch 3 x 5 40/42.5/45kg

2. Front Squat 4 x 6 80/85/90/90kg

3. Deadlift 4 x 6 120/130/130/140kg

4a. Bulgarian Split Squat 3 x 8/8 15kg dbs
4b. KB Swing 3 x 10 24kg - heaviest I had
4c. Weighted Sit Up 3 x 12 10kg

*Got caught out on time and had to scrap the sprints, will catch up on them. Also part 4 was a little rushed, could have gone heavier and didnt have a bar for leg raises so threw in weighted situps.

Back got tired on the squats but just about held it together for the deadlifts, I almost always do 3-5 reps on these and this was a first to do 6 reps, amazing how much the extra rep threw me (same with the front squat), enjoyed it! Although I have to work on managing my time better, nothing worse than having to jump straight from a workout to coaching a class!

The last set felt WAY worse than it looked. Hammies and back just got tired and I wasnt able to hold a tight lumbar arch. 6 reps is new territory!

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Wednesday 7th - W1D3


Light Sprint Buildups - 20mins approx, did around 15-20 sprints. Distance was roughly 50m.

Nice change of pace from the last couple of days and it was nice to get back over to the strand for some running, brings me back to when I was younger, training and dreaming of being a footballer! Great to get out in the fresh air, even if it is freezing.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Tuesday 6th - W1D2


1. Med Ball Throws 40 reps approx 8lb ball

2a. Bench Press 5 x 4 85kg
2b. Plyo Push Ups 5 x 4

3a. Inverted Body Row 4 x 10
3b. Incline DB Press 3 x 10 17.5/20/20kg

4a. Plate Front Raise 3 x 10 10kg
4b. DB Lat Raise 8kg/6kg/6kg
4c.BB Tall Muscle Snatch empty bar
4d. Recline Y

5a. Heavy Sled Drag
5b. Side Plank
80kg on the sled drag - was too light, fucked up on the plank, only realise now it was meant to be a side plank. Did 5 rounds as I was stuck for time, my vmos started cramping like crazy after my second sled drag, good times!

the shoulder shocker series was a killer, havent done any shoulder isolation stuff in a long time - was an ego check on all the weights - especially having to use 6kg dbs on a lateral raise! 

This was a couple of sets in - I didn't realise how much my elbows were moving around on the bench

Monday 5th - W1D1

Week one - work up to heavy sets, no failures (leave 1-2 reps in the tank), no more than 60sec rest between sets


1. BB Muscle Snatch 4 x 5
30/40/40/40kg - possibly even a little heavy at 40kg, last set got a bit tired, elbows not as high

2. Box Squat 5 x 4
70/80/80/80/80kg - fell on a few reps on the last 1/3rd of the lift, humbling! Felt tight on the way up, no rocking

3. Speed Deadlifts 8 x 2
100kg - probably a little light, clean grip

4. Walking Lunge 4 x 8/8
25kg dbs, felt good, weight was probably the correct choice

5a. Hanging Leg Lift 3 x 12
5b. Superman Plank 3 x 30sec
I was POOR here, the bar wasnt high enough to hang fully but this wouldnt have mattered, reverted to knee raises after the first 5 toes to bar, started to pull with the arms a little. Planks were tough, need to work on these!