Thursday, 29 December 2011

Thursday 29th - W4D4

1. muscle snatch - 2x5 45kg - not pretty, serious press out on the 5th rep on the 1st set, dunno why I suck so bad at these

2. front squat - 3x6 90kg

3. deadlift - 2x5 130kg - left a little bit in the tank as my back was tight, felt fine after

4a. DB bulgarian split squat w/ rear leg raised - 2x6/6 25kg - heaviest db's I had
4b. KB swing - 2x12 - did 2xkb swing with 2 20's
4c. hanging leg lift - 2x12 - ended up doing weighted overhead sit ups as I had nothign to hang from, not sure if this was the best exercise selection but I was drawing a blank today

5. turkish get ups - 5 minutes alternating hands as needed, focus on controlled quality of movement
started on the 20kg and went to the 24kg - *vids to follow, internet connection is acting up at the moment*

*The computer ate my video with the 24kg kettlbell, I only have the above with 20kg*

This session was a grinder. I went back into the gym in the evening, my stomach has been dodgy the past couple of days and sleep has been shit. It is probably all from crap food, way more bread than I ever normally eat and beer. One of the big tell tale signs is spots - spots at 31, for fuck sake! Thats the line in the sand though, good nights sleep tonight and start responsibly eating ahead of the big week next week.

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