Friday, 30 December 2016

Dec 30th 

SDSC - trained with JB

5 rounds of:
Double KB Clean + Press x 5 20kg kbs
Weighted Pull ups x 5 15,15,12.5,12.5,12.5 *felt these today! 


EMOM - 14mins
Even: Skierg 12cals
Odd: Assault Bike 12cals


50 Chin ups (sets of 5, at the top of every min approx)

Thursday, 29 December 2016

Thu 29th 

A1. Bench Press 10 -> 1; 1min rest 60kg
A2. Barbell Row 10 x 10; 1min rest 50 kg
B. DB Row 3 x 12/12; 1min rest 25kgs
C. Hammer Curls 3 x 15; 1min rest 10kgs 

* wasn't a lot in the tank today, right shoulder is still sore so benching was a bit of a grind initially, still weak as shit on it anyway. Left elbow making plenty of crunching noises on the barbell row too but no pain...

Wed 18th 

Trying some light conditioning , have some sort of stomach bug so I've done nothing since Christmas Eve, no bjj :( 

1st Block (found it hard to get the split below 2:05, right elbow sore...)
15 x Goblet Squat (32kg) + 3mins Skierg / 3min rest
15 x Goblet Squat + 2mins Skierg / 2min rest
15 x Goblet Squat + 1min Skierg

2nd Block (60rpm was tough!!!)
15 x KB Swing (32kg) + 3mins Assault Bike / 3min rest
15 x KB Swing + 2mins Assault Bike / 2min rest
15 x KB Swing + 1min Assault Bike

* was a grind after being sick! Checked my weight too and I was 81.5kg - must have gone up before the scuts! 

Monday, 26 December 2016

24th Dec

got to try out the skiergs again for a tough Christmas Eve session...

Ski -> Assaultbike -> Row

around 35mins, aerobic pace. Still getting to grips with skierg, tried to keep it below 2:00/500m split. Hard to get the rpms on the bike above 62, could hold a 1:45/500m split ok on the rowing machine.

23rd Dec

East Coast - 12-1.30


pottered about in the gym putting the equipment together and messing on the ski ergs

did the 'triathlon' twice
500m ski / 50cals / 500m row

7'50 then did a 7'40 (1'47 / 3:30 / 1:45)

22nd Dec 

Assault Bike - 10mins 144cals, legs just didn't have it today!

21st Dec 

East Coast 12 - 1:30

Monday, 19 December 2016

Sat 17th 


A. Walking Lunge 4 x 10/10; 20kg
B1. GHR 4 x 8
B2. Chins 4 x 8
C1. Prone Rows 3 x 10 50kg
C2. Prone Flys 3 x 10 6kg
C3. Prone Shrugs 3 x 10 50kg 
D. Barbell Curls 3 x 12 30kg 

Fri 16th

PM - East Coast , 1hr some rounds

Thu 15th 

Noon - East Coast

PM SDSC 10mins assault bike 153cals (pr)

Wed 14th

Tue 13th 

East Coast

Mon 12th 

East Coast - 1hr drills

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Thu 13th

AM - East Coast Nogi, took a few rounds to get going (see notes) 

PM - 10mins assault bike 148 cals (pr) 

Monday, 12 December 2016

Mon 12th

East Coast , drills and did 2 quick rounds. I was practicing the chain of twist sweeps I was learning off Paul Schreiner, having some success with them - I was micro drilling the hip switch on this with Austin, need to do more of this - adductors were on fire after 10 reps!!

Sun 11th

Day after Xmas party, so just rested!!

Sat 10th

Did the Aware Christmas run in Phoenix Park 5k - 24'01. Not the best time in the world but first time running in over a year (since the meniscus injury), muscles felt quite tight afterwards but no pain! Felt good to be outside and running a bit again.

Fri 9th

SDSC - 500m Row 1'24.4 - PR

*just jumped on cold and went for it, was looking good for a 1'21 but the last 80m I died, definitely feel improvements in my mental 'toughness'

Thu 8th

East Coast - AM

SDSC - pm , Assault bike 10mins -> 136 cals

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Wed 7th

no training

Tue 6th 

AM - East Coast


Row 2k / 1k / 500m
work rest -> 1:1

7'23 / 3'34.8 / 1'42.3

Monday, 5 December 2016

* sleep has been BAD , a few late nights with the impending college assignment...

Mon 5th 

A. Assaultbike x 10mins - 129cals 
* felt ok at the start, maintained 60rpm, maybe 13cals per min for first 4 mins. Dipped a bit in the middle, finished a bit stronger 63 rpm for maybe last 2 mins...
B. Bench 3 x 3 80kg

Sun 4th 


Sat 3rd 

East Coast - got a good few rounds in with the gi, (maybe 2 hours down there) decent session. A bit tired, not analysing performance, happy to get time on the mats

Fri 2nd 

East Coast - 1 hour rounds (gi). Tough but good, got 2 rounds in with Darragh

Thu 1st 

No bjj, too much college work.

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Same as before, have been manic with work and college. Have been training, just not tracking things.

** It is worth noting that I haven't started up yoga since my injury and my back is feeling really stiff...

Tue 29th 

East Coast nogi - 4 x 9min rounds

Mon 28th 

A. Bench 3,2,1,3,2,1 70,75,80, 77.5, 82.5, 87.5

B 3rounds of
1min KB Swing 24/28/24kg
1min Assault bike  19,19,18cals (68-70rpm) 

Sat 26th 

Open Mat East Coast 8 x 6min rounds (gi)

Fri 25th 

A. Banded RDL 4 x 6 100kg

arm work

Thu 24th 

Nogi East Coast

Wed 23rd 

A. Bench - built up to 'heavy' 5 reps 70kg!!! elbow still sore

B. DB Bench 2 x 20 20kg

C1. DB Row 3 x 12/12 25kg
C2. Band facepulls 3 x 15

D. Tricep Pushdowns 3 x 15 28kg

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

* Havent been updating this regularly as I damaged my left elbow at the London Open. I've just been doing small bits and pieces to see me get by. I have been able to train bjj for the most part. 

Tue 22nd

Noon - East Coast, drilling and 5 x 6min rounds

Evening - Did some conditioning with the SDSC crew

Assault bike partner workout 1 min on / 1min off x 15 rounds
(avg rpm 65-68)

Mon 21st 

A. DB Bench 4 x 12; 2min rest 25kg dbs * left elbow still sore here but eased a bit as the sets went on
B1. DB Row 3 x 12/12; 1min rest 25kg 
B2. Band facepulls 3 x 15
C. Assault Bike x 10 mins 125 cals

Did the Madrid Open yesterday, didn't go great, had the shits on Friday and have been battling a chest infection, weight dropped to 80kg on the day!! That aside, I still need to work on my aerobic engine...

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Wed 5th Oct


A1. RDL 3 x 10; 1min rest 90kg
A2. DB Bench 3 x 10; 1min rest 30kg
B1. DB Split Squats 3 x 10/8; 1min rest 15kg dbs
B2. Chins 3 x 10; 1min rest
C1. GHR 2 x 10; 1min rest
C2. Barbell Row 2 x 10; 1min rest 50kg

* stuck for time to get to college so had to cut session short. Food hasn't been great (or sleep!!) but the weight needs to be down a bit for the London Open. Work is busy too at the moment.

Tue 4th 

East Coast - Nogi

drilles take downs and guillotine defence, got 4 rounds in I think.

Mon 3rd

Some beach muscles before work - tried the Assaultbike for 20sec - 17 cals :(

Sun 2nd 

East Coast, got a few gi rounds in (4-5??)

Sat 1st 

East Coast Open mat (gi)

Wed 5th Oct


A1. RDL 3 x 10; 1min rest 90kg
A2. DB Bench 3 x 10; 1min rest 30kg
B1. DB Split Squats 3 x 10/8; 1min rest 15kg dbs
B2. Chins 3 x 10; 1min rest
C1. GHR 2 x 10; 1min rest
C2. Barbell Row 2 x 10; 1min rest 50kg

* stuck for time to get to college so had to cut session short. Food hasn't been great (or sleep!!) but the weight needs to be down a bit for the London Open. Work is busy too at the moment.

Tue 4th 

East Coast - Nogi

drilles take downs and guillotine defence, got 4 rounds in I think.

Mon 3rd


Sun 2nd 

East Coast, got a few gi rounds in (4-5??)

Sat 1st 

East Coast Open mat (gi)

Friday, 30 September 2016

Thu 29th

sacked off training as I was feeling sick. Did some light weights in SDSC in the evening just to keep ticking over..

5 rounds of (easy pace)
A1. DB Row 5 x 10/10 25kg
A2. Shrugs 5 x 15 24kg kbs
A3. DB Pullovers 5 x 12 20kg

Wed 28th 

Woke up not feeling great ..


Tue 27th

ECJJA - Nogi passing

Feeling a bit better on rounds, a bit tougher / sharper. Probably no coincidence that I am on the mats more - I really need to be getting 4+ sessions per week. 

Monday, 26 September 2016

Sun 25th

EC - Open Mat, got 6 x 5min rounds in

As usual, sleep is poor and I'm starting to see connections with sluggishness (mentally and strategically when it comes to rolling) with lack of sleep....

On the plus side I got 4 bjj sessions in this week for the first time in a very long time and everything feels ok - sore but not injured!

Sat 24th 

EC - Open Mat

PM - SDSC , some beach muscles. Body felt SORE after bjj so this wasn't the most porductive...

A1. DB Press 3 x 10 20kg dbs
A2. Barbell Curl 3 x 10 35kg
B1. Prone Incline Flys 3 x 10 6kg dbs
B2. Tricep Pushdowns 3 x 12 28kg
C1. DB Lat Raise 3 x 10 8kgs
C2. DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10 15kg dbs

Fri 23rd

Yoga - INIT

Thu 22nd

Yoga - EC + BJJ

Wed 21st


A1. RDL 4 x 10; 1min rest 80kg
A2. Pushdowns 4 x 12; 1min rest 32kgs
B1. DB Lunge 4 x 10/10; 1min rest 15kg dbs
B2. Curls 4 x 10; 1min rest 35kg
C1. GHR 3 x 10; 1min rest
C2. DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10; 1min rest 15kg dbs

Tue 20th

BJJ East Coast

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Mon Sep 19th

Assault Bike 2 rounds of...

10 x 30sec work / 30sec rest (5mins break between rounds)

RPM 70, avg watts 460ish

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Sat 17th

Managed to fit the open mat in East Coast, 7 x 5-6min rounds in. Was tired going into it but happy to get the extra bjj session in this week.

Fri 16th

Was Ross Martin's wedding so only had 30mins to sneak in a session ...

A1. DB Press 3 x 10; 1min rest 20kg dbs 
A2. Barbell Curls 3 x 10; 1min rest 35kgs
B1. Prone Flys 3 x 10; 1min rest 6kg dbs - extra reps on left side
B2. Tricep Pushdowns 3 x 10; 32kgs
C1. Lat Raise 2 x 10; 8kgs
C2. Hammer Curls 2 x 10; 15kgs 

Thu 15th 

Nogi East Coast

Wed 14th 

no training?

Tue 13th 

Nogi East Coast

Monday, 12 September 2016

Mon 12th 

Init Yoga AM

woke up with a sore throat again!!! I don't know what is going on, I know there was the gym party at the weekend so food and sleep has been poor but it seems like my resiliency has gone completely. I don't feel injured at least. British Nogi open in 3 weeks and I amn't getting enough mat time, felt better rolling since the States (more aggressive - for me!) but still only 3 sessions since I've been back :(

Sun 11th 

no training

Sat 10th

SDSC - beach muscles session

A1. Press 3 x 10 40kg
A2. Barbell Curls 3 x 10 35kg
B1. Incline Prone Flys 3 x 10 8kg
B2. DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10 15kgs
C1. DB Lat Raise 3 x 10 8kg
C2. Tricep Pushdowns 3 x 20 24kg

Fri 9th
Cant remember what training I did, body has been TIRED since tuesday!!

Thu 8th 

Yoga east coast + Nogi east coast

tough rounds nogi, not as savage as tuesday but great session again, feel more confident and stronger rolling, body is holding up ok, ankle is getting a bit better.

Wed 7th

A. Chins 5x5 20kg
B. Barbell Rows 5 x 10 50,52.5,52.5,55,55kg
C. Incline Curls 3 x 10 15kgs

*right forearm started spasming badly just as I was trying to go to sleep, kept me awake. Minerals most be low, sleep poor too!

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Have been poor updating this! In the past month, San Diego and Vegas happened. Worlds Masters, wrote more about it in the training diary...

One week back from the US and still a bit tired but not really jet lagged.

Tue 6th Sep 

AM - East Coast Nogi. Tough session, 4 x 6 min rounds back to back and then at the end of the session a 3 min all out spar from standing - 5points down and make them back asap, good drill that I need to do more of.

PM - SDSC conditioning

30mins -> every second min, 15cals on assaultbike.

I decided to jump in with the 6pm class and this was tough!! last few rounds were about 45-50 sec to get 15 cals!!!

Mon 5th 

AM - first session back at Init Yoga

Friday, 12 August 2016

Thu aug 12th

AM - ECJJA Nogi (didn't do yoga)

Felt ok in this session, still working the half guard game, a small bit sharper than last week. 


Decided to hop on the erg and do a 1min row .. DIED a death in the last 20sec - particularly the last 3... 753m 

1min row 753m  Will test this again in a month

Wed 11th

no training - feeling a little beaten up at the moment, on antibiotics as well with this chest infection :(

Tue 10th 


PM - SDSC 25mins of Assault bike 30sec on / 30sec off avg rpm 70

A photo posted by David McConkey (@david_mcconkey) on
* tracking this has been poor, have been consciously not trying to over analyse anything at the moment.

Monday, 8 August 2016

Sat 6th

Am - bro session, lots of arms!

Fri 5th

ECJJA - evening sparring.

Did 6(?) Rounds - first 2 in a row then 1 on 1 off. Did not feel fit at all, not sure why, breathing isn't great, still carrying a bit of this chest infection.

I was a bit deflated after this session and before Worlds, I feel like I'm going backwards or at least stagnating. I guess I have been sick and injured and training hasn't been consistent, c'est la vie. I've written more about this in the diary.

Thu 4th

ECJJA - Yoga and Nogi (went for a dip in the 40ft after too)

Wed 3rd 

Init yoga am - tough session!!

Tue 2nd 

ECJJA - Nogi

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Thu 28th

Paul Schreiner BJJ camp - Gi

Wed 27th 

Yoga - Init Yoga

Tue 26th

A. Chins 3,3,3,3,3,3  15, 20, 25 , 30 , 33, 33

B. 2k row 7'00.5

Mon 25th 

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Poor effort in tracking my training lately! I re-injured my left ankle since the British Nationals, so I haven't been doing much BJJ.

Tue 19th July

A1. Bench 8 x 10; 1min rest 60kg
A2. Barbell Row 8 x 10; 1min rest 55kg
B1. DB Shoulder Press 3 x 12; 2min rest 17.5kg dbs
B2. DB Hammer curls 3 x 20; 2min rest 10kg dbs

Mon 18th 

AM - Yoga


Assault Bike 30mins -> 30sec work / 30sec rest
Aerobic - maintained 75RPM for 13mins then it was 68-72RPM

Sat 16th

Fri 15th 

AM - Yoga

PM - SDSC Bro session with Neil

A. DB Row 10-20-30-40 each arm 30kg/20kg/17.5kg/12.5kg
B. EZ Bar Curls 25-20-15-10
C1. Chins 3 x 10
C2. FacePulls 3 x 15

Thu 14th 

Am - Yoga

Tue 12th

AM - East Coast BJJ - this was when I hurt my left ankle again, popped in a straight foot lock :(

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Mon 4th July

Am - Yoga

A1. RDL 4 x 6 80,90,95,100kg
A2. Handstand (pushup) practice
B. Assault bike 2 rounds of: 3 x 20sec/1:40rest

*only hit 1000watts once, just feel like I cant dig deep on this - maybe try smaller durations to hit that peak more? cals were 13-11ish

Sun 3rd 

Open mat East Coast, got a few rounds in, mostly nogi. Was getting caught with half guard sweeps, letting opponent control my outside leg, need to lock down opponents upper body more and work those knee slide passes. Also when stuck on wrong side 50/50, use the outside / free leg to pendulum to gain momentum to get on attacking side or stand up. 

Sat 2nd 

Just some beach muscle stuff

Fri 1st 

A1. Barbell Row 10 x 10 50kg
A2. DB Shoulder Press 10 x 10 15kg dbs
B. Barbell Curls 2 x 5 @5015 30kg

Thu 30th June 

Am - Yoga then BJJ Nogi

Wed 29th 

Am - Yoga

Tue 28th

Am - BJJ East Coast

Mon 27th

rest day

Sun 26th

rest day

Sat 25th 

British Nationals.

Friday, 24 June 2016

Thu 23rd

Yoga + BJJ Nogi East Coast

Enjoying the nogi at the moment. Tried to be a bit more aggressive in rolls today and take chances, got caught but enjoyed it more...

Legs felt heavy afterwards, may just take it easy now before Saturday...

Everything feels achey at the moment to be honest, sleep / diet could be better!

Wed 22nd


Tue 21st 

Nogi - ECJJA

First Nogi session in a year, really enjoyed it. Looking forward to improving at this over the coming months.

Mon 20th 

Am - Yoga

Pm - did a 5kg row (19.56) in SDSC and messed around with some hand stand / bridge practice

Sun 19th 

Open Mat East Coast - only a few light rolls...

Sat 18th 

I think (!) I did a legs session here - need to get the finger out and track this stuff better

Fri 17th 


Thursday, 16 June 2016

Thu 16th

Am - Yoga in East Coast

then BJJ - did drills and then 5 (I think!) 6min rounds, felt a bit sharper today, not as sore or as flat as Tuesday.

PM - SDSC, numbers were low so I jumped in on a beach muscle session...

A1. Barbell Press 3 x 10 40kg
A2. Barbell Curls 32.5kg
B1. Prone Flys 3 x 10 6kg
B2. Cable Pushdowns 3 x 15 24kg
C1. DB Lat Raise 3 x 10 8kg
C2. Hammer Curls 3 x 10 12.5kg
*I was running short on time so did a couple more sets of pushdowns. Elbow were a bit sore but nothing too bad. 

Wed 15th

AM - Init Yoga

PM - did a 30min z1 piece of 1000m row / 2 TGU each side / 1min FLR on rings

Tue 14th

Am - BJJ East Coast

tough session 8 x 6min rounds I think. Felt pretty beaten up afterwards - *looking back it was probably the late night on Sunday that contributed to this!!

Mon 13th 

AM - Init yoga

Sat 11th


Didn't go great in my weight class, not an ideal strategy and I got rushed. Once I was passed my head caved in and I essentially gave up. Really disappointed in myself over this - I thought I got over these demons but I guess demons never go away, you only learn to manage them...

I was going to leave after that but thankfully did the absolute. Got a straight footlock in the semi final and then a DQ for a knee reap in the final (was up on points). In hindsight it was a good exercise to do this before the British Nationals. I would have liked to have not given up mentally in my weight class but I guess it is a good reminder to me that I am not out of the woods. Kaizen etc...

Fri 10th

Rest day, flying to Bristol and driving to Bournemouth.

That evening I was stretching in the hotel, did a lizard pose (left leg forward) and got a shooting pain in my medial meniscus. This threw me a lot, I had hot baths etc to ease out but I was genuinely worried I wouldn't be ok to compete...

Thu 9th

AM - Yoga in east coast and then BJJ

I was planning on rowing but feel like I am over reaching a bit so no more rowing for the challenge.

Wed 8th 

AM - Init yoga

PM - SDSC Row 5k - PR 18'52.3 *really happy with this, it was a battle in the heat but nice to get ahead of the Bournemouth Open

Tue 7th 

AM - BJJ East Coast

Mon 6th 

AM - Init yoga

Sun 5th 

Open Mat - East Coast

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Sat 4th 

Am - Leg work

A. Split Squats 4  10/8; 50kg + chains
B1. GHR 3 x 10
B2. Skater Squats x 12kg KB 3 x 5/5

then a few hours later

5k Row - 21'33.4

Fri 3rd 

PM - SDSC Bro Session
A. Mech Advantage DB Press 2 x 7.7.7 25kg dbs (died a death on second round)
B. Timed Barbell Row 3 x 20sec; 90sec rest 50kg 18,19,19reps
C. Band Facepull  y-press 3 x 8; 90sec rest
D. Banded KB Shrugs 3 x 8 w3sec pause at top; 90sec rest 24kg kbs
E. Barbell Curls  50,30,20reps

then at 11pm - 5222m Row - HIT THE 1 MILLION METERS!! :)

Thu 2nd 

AM - East Coast, went through some 50/50 drills and footlocks and then did a good few rounds rolling. Knee feels stronger, no issues while rolling.

PM - Row SDSC 30mins / 7167m

Wed 1st 

AM - INIT Yoga

PM - Row SDSC 30mins / 7138m

Tue 31st 

Am - East Coast * I'm tracking this a few days later, can't really remember how it went down but did plenty of rounds, knee felt ok, cardio is building. 

PM - Row SDSC 30mins / 6727m

Mon 30th

AM - Init Yoga

PM - SDSC Row 25mins / 5586m

Monday, 30 May 2016

Sun 29th 

BJJ open mat - had a good few rounds here, knee held up, felt good today, working on over under passing still, neck is sore now!! but all good, enjoyed that session :)

evening - SDSC 40min row 8587m

Sat 28th

1 session before PT and one session after ....

A. Split Squats 5 x 10/10 50kg
B. GHR 5 x 10


1 hour row

Fri 27th

AM - Yoga

PM - SDSC - Row 40mins before work / 10 mins after

Did some arm work afterwards but was really tired, so shut it down after a few sets.

Thu 26th

AM - Yoga then BJJ

Knee held up, I was nervous going into the session but it felt ok afterwards. I was a bit foggy rolling, kept it a bit more flowy but was making silly mistakes against the higher belts, still though, the knee feels ok!

PM - row SDSC

30mins recovery - 6704m

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Wed 25th

Am - InitYoga


Tue 24th

Noon - BJJ -> I was only going to do technique as the knee was still not right (drilled over under pass in DLR) but did some rolling, the knee actually felt fine during and afterwards. 

PM - SDSC 5k row - 19'31.4

Mon 23rd

AM - Init Yoga (knee felt ok)

I texted alex, he said no pretzel stretches for the time being - I also got some solgar7 and will try that for a bit. I've been icing the knee on and off fairly frequently.

PM - SDSC row 30mins 7305m

Day 7. The knee has been acting up a little, so my daily target of 10k never really materialised, with everything else going on, a minimum of 5k will have to do. One week in and we are on target to reach 1 million metres for @awareireland - we have already exceeded our fundraising target! I hope this challenge continues to increase awareness and also funds in order to provide the information, understanding and support for individuals who have had a diagnosis of depression or bipolar as well as those supporting a loved one. I have had a tough 12 months personally and know how important it is to be surrounded by a solid support structure. I hope the results of this challenge and fundraising can help others in tough times. It is a cliche, but be kind to each other, as oftentimes we don't know what's going on in each other's lives or what struggles we are up against 👍🏻 #aware #mentalhealth #depression #support #awareness #family #fundraising #fundraiser #row #rowing #concept2 #sdscgym
A photo posted by David McConkey (@david_mcconkey) on

Sun 22nd

SDSC - Row 30mins 7701m

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Sat 21st

Knee still feels off, lateral side also hurts (feels like a sharp pain if I internally rotate?) I decided to do some strength work to try and 're-calibrate' the knee...

A. Barbell Split Squat 5 x 10/8 50kg
B. GHR 4 x 10
C. Row 5k - 20'30.3

A photo posted by David McConkey (@david_mcconkey) on

Fri 20th

Yoga AM - before the class started I was doing some stretches and did a glute stretch on my left side and strained / twisted / hurt my knee! I knew instantly I should have come out of the stretch but didn't (idiot!).

I recall straining my knee a bit doing the cross legged seated position with my left leg on the inside - this just doesn't agree with my knee at all (other side it ok) so just don't do it!!

I rowed in the evening, knee was ok - nothing worse going on. Right patella tendon does feel inflamed though!

SDSC - 5k row 20'37.2

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Thu 19th 

ECJJA - Yoga at 10am - Aoife talked about the mantra 'I AM HERE' - something to use to stay centred / present, possibly for competitions.

Afterwards we did some drills and then did 6 5min rounds - first time I have done this much in MONTHS!!! Knee felt ok too, very happy 


5 k row - 19'27.0

Wed 18th

Am - Yoga at Init, tough session!! Haven't sweated that much in a long time! Great class.

PM - Row 7.5k-ish

Tue 17th


PM - Row 5k - tried to work on my pacing here, pretty happy with it

A photo posted by David McConkey (@david_mcconkey) on

Mon 16th

AM - Init Yoga

PM - Rowing challenge started in SDSC - 30mins 7295k

Sat 14th 

seminar in East Coast, Marcus showing some details from Brazil

Fri 13th 

AM - Yoga

PM - did some upper body stuff in SDSC

Thu 12th 


Wed 11th 


Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Tue 10th May


We did pass from HQ position drill - I really need to work on this. During live drilling, Nick was putting his outside foot on my shoulder to create distance - as Darragh said, keep piling pressure on this leg and trying to smash pass - keep driving pressure forward, don't let up, if you can, come under this leg then into half guard.

** When in close, use head / shoulder / upper body pressure to pass. When a bit further away (in hq position, use hips to pressure. If you are going to get caught up in half guar, just take a step back and set up passing again.

Did 3 x 6 min rounds. Felt good, knee was ok - BUT I twinged it slightly trying a pistol off the floor - not ready for this carry on yet!! 

Mon 9th May

AM - INIT Yoga

PM - very quick session at SDSC

messed around with some handstand / crow practice and then some modified pistols (onto low box)

then 3 rounds of:
Chins x 8
DB Pullovers x 10 20kg
DB Row x 10/10 25kg
single leg hops on trampoline (left leg only) x 30sec -> 30sec single leg balance work

Friday, 6 May 2016

Fri 6th May

InitYoga - talked about trust at the start - where in my body do I feel trust (gut) and having to trust oneself before trusting another. I trust I will be able to achieve these positions in time, if trust didn't work out in the past know that it was not a shortcoming of mine (something that resonated with me...) More to mull over...

Thu 5th May

ECJJA - Yoga 1hr

talked about being grateful for this body, was in line with the book Im reading (waking up) and consciousness and being separate - it was an interpreting view point that almost immediately made me feel more responsible and grateful for the body in 'in my possession' as a gift and a responsibility to look after it better...

Then BJJ - first time rolling in almost 6 months!! 

I was pretty nervous going into this and not sure how I would feel or how the knee would hold up. Thankfully it was ok. We did a basic drill, stand up in closed guar, open, torreada pass to back take. Then a variation when guard is opened to go to spider and pass spider and continue the drill as above.

Darragh showed me a good detail, when you have opponent in closed guard and get grips to go to spider (opponent is obviously going to know what you are about to do and he might stall) - bring your own knees in towards each other and windshield wiper out into bicep ride before going to spider - that way the opponent can't get his elbows in to defend.

I did 3 6 min rolls and the knee was ok, I wasn't planning on rolling but it held up ok.

I iced it afterwards and again that evening. It is a little clicky but nothing major. 

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Wed 4th May


Tue 3rd 

Only had a small window to do work, so did the follwowing...

A. Muscle Snatch x 3 + OH Walk x 20 yards x 5 sets 40kg
B. Shoulder Shocker 3 x 10

Mon 2nd - bank holiday

Sun  1st 

Did 90min yoga session at Init, was tough!!

Sat 30th

Band prehab work

A. Front Squat 4 x 6 50, 60,60,60 + chains * felt a pain in left knee in second set but it went away
B. DB Split Squat @3011, 3 x 8(l)/6(r)
C. GHR 4 x 10
D. Assault Bike x 8mins (100cals)

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Thu 28th 

stretched out at home for about an hour, just felt a little tired and stiff, even after the training (left elbow is a bit sore)

PM - intended on doing a small bit of shoulder work in the gym - on my 3rd set of presses (40kg x 10) my elbow got bad so I just called the session off...

Wed 27th

AM - Yoga
Tough class! Lots of warrior / crescent poses, legs felt tired!

PM - SDSD, I had a 30 minute window to do some work

A. RDL (or tried the American Deadlifts) 4 x 6 80/90/90/90kg - felt weak on these! 
B1. DB Pullover 4 x 10 20,22.5,22.5,22.5kg
B2. DB Row 25,27.5,27.5,27.5kg
B3. KB Shrugs 4 x 10 32kgs

Tue 26th

locked myself out of the gym, so no training! Mentally I was scattered all over the place, so I probably needed the rest.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Mon 25th 

Yoga - Inityoga

Tough session - probably after the weekend! Tried the bird of paradise pose for the first time, will be perfect in two weeks! ha

Sat - Sun 23-24th

Attended the PTCC in Bath, good weekend, lots of info taken in (need to go easier on the alcohol next time)

Fri 22nd

Got in a really quick session before going to the airport...

A1. BB Split Squat 3 x 10/10 50kg
A2. Chins 3 x 8
B1. Press 3 x 10 40kg
B2. Chins 3 x 8

Thu 21st 

Yoga - east coast

Wed 20th

Yoga - inityoga

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Mon 18th Apr

Yoga - first time actually buying a yoga membership!!! Have to say I enjoyed the class, being in a different group and going through a set structure. Knee felt ok afterwards, legs were tired for the rest of the day but felt good after it :)

Sun 17th 

Rested, felt exhausted. Sleep is terrible as usual.

Sat 16th 

12noon SDSC

A. Barbell Split Squat 4 x 8/8 50kg
B1. GHR / Harop Curl 3 x 5 @3011
B2. DB Split Squat 3 x 6/6 @3011
C. Assault Bike x 6mins (75cals)


A. Cable Pushdowns - accumulate 100reps 20kg
B. Inverted Row accuulate 75 reps
C. Bench 8 x 3 80kg - weight was comfortable, pain in sternum was present and making this uncomfortable
D. Chins 5 x 8
E1. KB Shrugs 4 x 15 32kg kbs
E2. DB Lat Raise 4 x 10 8kg
E3. Cable Facepulls 4 x 10 20kg

Fri 15th 

Arm session (can't remember the specifics!)

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Thu 14th 

Yoga east coast - 1 hour

Wed 13th

A. Seated DB Press 10 x 10; 2min rest 17.5kg dbs (15s on the last 3 sets) right shoulder burning a lot more than left, feels like the muscles were engaging better? 

B. DB Lat Raise (left arm only) 3 x 10 8kg

C. Airdybe 5mins - steady pace - 62cals

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Tue 12th

busy day again, decided not to train as I was rushing around too much.

I went out to Alex today, he did more work - specifically manual work on the medial side of my knee, working on the scar tissue (probably from the old injury)  it was a sharp pain - like getting a tattoo, felt good afterwards but tender.

The leg is now 1/8th smaller than the right - progress. I have 3 more weeks of doing the same and then seeing where I am at, maybe going back on the mats lightly.

I was telling him that it has been aching a bit lately (but bearable) and also range is as good as it has been. Talked about the fact my knees aren't great I should really work to make hip mobility as good as possible.

I was talking about being frustrated with not being able to train but he said as it is at 80-85% there is no point in rushing it now and then being out permanently.

There was still clunking coming out of a very deep squat but no pain.

Another 3 weeks (3rd May) and we'll see where I'm at then....

Mon 11th

Didn't train, had too much work on, just did some stretching, still feeling tired after the weekend.

Monday, 11 April 2016

Sat 9th

A1. Banded RDL 4 x 6; 1min rest 80kg
A2. Cable Pushdowns 4 x 15; 1min rest 24kg
B1. Walking Lunge 4 x 10/8; 20kg dbs
B2. Barbell curls 4 x 10; 35kg
C1. GHR 3 x 10
C2. Incline Curls 3 x 10; 12.5kgs

Fri 8th 

*felt tired this evening, this session was a grind

A. Pullups 5 x 8
B. Barbell Row 5 x 10 55kg
C. cant remember!!

Thu 7th

Did yoga in east coast, really good session, almost like a pt session. Some interesting ideas to take away...

1. when in sitting position, legs crossed, flex ankles - takes pressure of knee (she used a specific word but can't remember)
2. left side of boy female, right side male - injuries on left side, is an imbalance - look at more stretching, meditation etc.
3. she mentioned to Darragh regarding his back to imagine fluid, oil going into lower back to loosen it out as he is stretching - maybe incorporate visualisation / meditation into knee rehab.
4. flex toes at all times? We talked about this in relation to bjj, flexible toes - like hands, grabbing when defending guard, or on toes / balls of feet when in guard.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Mon 4th

Had a pretty heavy night Saturday so I haven't done much since!

A. GHR 4 x 10
B. DB Split Squat 3 x 10(l)/6(r) 15kgs

messed around with some stretching / pistols - no runners and felt limited by ankle mobility. Did some movnat style stuff too, the knee felt a little tender and some 'clunking' but nothing crazy, iced it when I got home. Some pain after and clunking is still there but movement and range is better...

Fri 1st 

Trained with Jason and Neil

A1. Bench 5x5 80,80,85,85,85kg
A2. Chins 5x10

B1. Barbell Row 4 x10 55kg
B2. Prone Incline Flys 4 x 10 6kg
B3. Cuban Press 4 x 10 6kg
B3. Static Hang 4 x 30sec

C1. Incline Curls 3 x 12 15kg
C2. Pushdowns 3 x 15 28kg

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Wed 30th

Had a lie in with the cold. Energy and motivation is low (not quite depressed but probably not far off!!) The knee is a little sore but bearable. I did about 30mins stretching in the morning, I've been disciplined with the stretching every day.

A1. Barbell Split Squat 5 x 10 (10set on left leg) 40kg - 50kg on last 5 sets on left leg
A2. DB Seated Press 10 x 10 17.5kg
B1. Plate Front Raise 3 x 10 15kg
B2. DB Lat Raise 3 x 10 8kg
B3. Band Facepulls 3 x 12

Tue 29th

Have a bit of a chest infection going on at the mo, so energy levels are through the floor and breathing like an old man (older man)

I have been pushing the boat a little on some movements - the knee has been a bit sore but I amn't sure anymore if there will be a stop in pain and then I proceed to bjj or will there be some pain and as I transition into bjj fully again, the pain will subside?....

This was the movement I was doing - I had to stretch a bit before hand and the room was pretty warm too but I couldn't even imagine doing this a few weeks ago....

I also did a very small amount of jumping on the trampoline as well (10 second bursts) it hurt a little but eased slightly as I went through the sets...

Monday, 28 March 2016

Mon 28th (easter)

A. GHR 4 x 10
B. Split Squat 3 x 8/6 (did 2 extra sets on left leg, slower tempo)
*felt a little sore at first but eased out as sets went on
C. Pullups 4 x 8
D. Barbell Row 5 x 10 57.5kg
E1. Barbell Curl 3 x 5 40kg
E2. Paused Hammer Curls 3 x 10 10kg

* the knee felt a bit better after the split squats. Yesterday I was performing the couch stretch, 2mins each side and felt like I had the best range in a long time here - left heel practically touching butt. Later my knee was sore , I don't know if this extreme flexion did it??